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Eastern Kentucky University

Noel Studio for Academic Creativity

Noel Studio 9 Faculty Innovator Application

Faculty Innovator Application

Thank you for your interest in the Faculty Innovator (FI) Fellowship. The FI Fellowship contributes to excellence at EKU by promoting innovation in teaching practices across campus, thereby supporting diverse learners and transforming lives. As teacher-scholars, the faculty innovators serve as role models within their respective colleges and within the university.

Faculty Innovators are expected to devote approximately 5-7 hours each week to FI responsibilities. Expectations of the Faculty Innovator position include the following, at a minimum:

  • Lead at least one TLI session, demonstration and/or workshop, (either through the FCT&L or in their college) on innovative/best practices in pedagogy and technology;
  • Conduct outreach activities within their college to connect one-on-one with faculty;
  • Observe faculty in the classroom;
  • Serve as a liaison between the FCT&L and the individual colleges, by helping foster improved communication in both directions;
  • Promote innovative teaching strategies through pilot projects and/or studies;
  • Participate in various university events (by attending, facilitating, or helping to plan);
  • Attend all planned meetings/year (usually two each semester), to outline initiatives and discuss upcoming events. Check-in meetings may occur throughout the semester as well, when there are pressing agenda items for the group to discuss.

FIs are appointed for a 3-year term and receive a stipend for their service. At the conclusion of the three-year program, participants who have successfully completed the entire Fellowship will be invited to join the Council of Faculty Innovators. Council members retain their membership on the Council for the rest of their time at EKU and are expected to continue serving as an advocate for effective teaching and learning practices.

The Noel Studio for Academic Creativity

521 Lancaster Avenue
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: 859-622-7330

Connect with Noel Studio @ EKU