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Deaf Senior Finds New Path, Fresh Hope

Deaf Senior Finds New Path, Fresh Hope

Deaf since birth, he worked 25 years with IBM in Poughkeepsie, New York, the last three years training testers internationally. He interacted successfully with the hearing world. Colleagues accepted him and came to respect and appreciate diversity. He even received a...
New Residence Halls, Science Bldg. Phase 2 Open

New Residence Halls, Science Bldg. Phase 2 Open

With two new suite-style residence halls that “can compete against any in the nation,” Eastern Kentucky University is experiencing an upsurge in students choosing to live on the Richmond campus. The two new residence halls are not the only new facilities...
Project Joins Solar Energy, Scholarships

Project Joins Solar Energy, Scholarships

Aided by a visionary graduate who retired from a successful career in research and development with Procter and Gamble, an effort is underway at Eastern Kentucky University to provide “Photons for the Future.” By literally “plugging into” a...
Junior Earns National Research Award

Junior Earns National Research Award

There it was, sitting on a tree branch at eye level barely two feet away,  “just as curious about what I was doing there, as I was with what she was doing.” That was Nathanael (Knate) Bartosch’s memorable up-close introduction to a wild crowned...
Liberia Native “Model Student Scholar”

Liberia Native “Model Student Scholar”

Acclaimed by her professors as “the model student scholar,” Eastern Kentucky University senior Aggie Williams is a living example of the power of hard work and dedication. Williams is originally from Monrovia, Liberia, a nation on the western coast of...
DACA Student Wins National Honors Award

DACA Student Wins National Honors Award

Seventeen years ago, almost to the day, Omar Salinas Chacón entered the United States through Atlanta, Georgia. His working-class parents, escaping a bloody civil war, gang violence and extreme poverty in El Salvador, fled to America with little more than a...
Senior Finds Hope, Home in Agriculture

Senior Finds Hope, Home in Agriculture

Actor Kevin Conroy once said: “Everyone is handed adversity in life. No one’s journey is easy. It’s how they handle it that makes them unique.” If that’s the case, Eastern Kentucky University senior Shawn Dore is unlike any other. From...
Future Brighter Now for Native Haitian

Future Brighter Now for Native Haitian

Eastern Kentucky University Senior Kevely Dumay is the model student. Along with his 3.7 GPA, he is a McNair scholar, Chamber Colonel, a member of EKU’s Marketing Club, and will spend next semester as an intern at the state capitol. However, the future...
Game Design Program among Top 50 Worldwide

Game Design Program among Top 50 Worldwide

Video games have long been a favorite pastime of college students worldwide. At Eastern Kentucky University, home to an internationally prominent undergraduate program in game design, students are preparing to develop games for the next generation of players. For the...
“There’s Always a Light Somewhere”

“There’s Always a Light Somewhere”

In Robin Williams’ final scene as an actor, portraying a wax figure of Teddy Roosevelt who comes alive in “Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb,” a security guard played by Ben Stiller admits to his hero, “I have no idea what I’m going...