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Regents Approve Student Fee to Fund Portion of Center for Student Life

Regents Approve Student Fee to Fund Portion of Center for Student Life

The Eastern Kentucky University Board of Regents, meeting in special session on Friday, March 20, unanimously approved a student fee that will fund two cornerstone features of a proposed Center for Student Life.   EKU’s Student Senate had earlier given its...
Dustin Ratliff Slipping the Surly Bonds

Dustin Ratliff Slipping the Surly Bonds

Famous aviator and poet John Gillespie Magee, Jr. wrote in his homage to aviation, High Flight, in 1941: “I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;” For Dustin Ratliff, recent EKU graduate and winner of the...
Honors Program Class Travels “From Shiloh to Afghanistan”

Honors Program Class Travels “From Shiloh to Afghanistan”

An Eastern Kentucky University Honors Program class has spent this semester traveling in space and time – from the American Civil War to the modern-day battlefields of the Middle East. Incorporating creative writing, history and theater arts, the 15 Honors...
Professor Co-Editor of Groundbreaking Volume on Kentucky Women

Professor Co-Editor of Groundbreaking Volume on Kentucky Women

From frontier days to the Information Age, Kentucky women “have defied the odds and achieved success in all fields and endeavors.” But, as scholars have bemoaned for years, their exploits have often gone unchronicled and unnoticed. That’s no longer...
Risk Management and Insurance Major Featured in Bloomberg BusinessWeek

Risk Management and Insurance Major Featured in Bloomberg BusinessWeek

With approximately half of its workforce nearing retirement age in the next decade, the insurance industry is anticipating at least 500,000 job openings by 2022. Now, the challenge is to attract millennials into a career field that has been portrayed, unfairly...
Test Enclosure Image

Test Enclosure Image

node (news) – Iriure exerci quibus praemitto quidem. Persto ulciscor ut odio. Nostrud ibidem valde. Et valetudo sit tum utinam similis veniam secundum. Commoveo blandit exputo aliquip eum jumentum camur gilvus at loquor. Volutpat abluo damnum abluo commoveo...
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Proin faucibus suscipit enim, quis porttitor dui scelerisque in. Phasellus condimentum, nunc eu cursus lobortis, sapien sem porta nisi, ac tempus mi elit non metus. Aliquam eget nisi id nibh imperdiet posuere nec ut metus. Sed turpis est, gravida commodo tempor sit...