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Mock Trial Undefeated at Regional Event

Mock Trial Undefeated at Regional Event

Eastern Kentucky University’s mock trial team continued its successful season by finishing undefeated at the American Mock Trial Association (AMTA) Regional Tournament Feb. 18-19 in St. Louis, Missouri. EKU placed second in the tournament with a 7-0-1 record,...
Commitment to Energy Savings Pays Dividends

Commitment to Energy Savings Pays Dividends

A commitment to energy conservation is paying big dividends for Eastern Kentucky University. Through its participation in the Large Commercial Demand Conservation Program offered by Kentucky Utilities Company, the University earned a KU incentive check of $12,500. EKU...
EKU to Host East Ky. Leadership Conference

EKU to Host East Ky. Leadership Conference

The East Kentucky Leadership Foundation (EKLF) will hold its 30th anniversary conference at Eastern Kentucky University April 27-28. This year’s theme is “Transitioning Eastern Kentucky: Economy, Workforce, Demographics.” The EKLF Board of Directors...
KEA-SP Members Attend “Day of Learning”

KEA-SP Members Attend “Day of Learning”

Members of the Kentucky Education Association-Student Program chapter at Eastern Kentucky University attended the “Day of Learning” in Frankfort on Tuesday, Feb. 14, with leaders of the Kentucky Education Association. EKU students attending the event were...
Center Develops Survey for City of Richmond

Center Develops Survey for City of Richmond

As a lifelong Richmond resident and current city commissioner, Jason Morgan desired a scientific survey that would engage local citizens in charting the community’s course. He first asked Eastern Kentucky University regional outreach agent Vickie Moberly, who in...
Facilitation Center Assists Together Lexington

Facilitation Center Assists Together Lexington

Together Lexington, a new group of community leaders in Fayette County, has enlisted the Facilitation Center at Eastern Kentucky University to support Courageous Conversations, an effort to build trust and goodwill among all Lexington citizens. The EKU Facilitation...
Academics, Athletics Intersect at Arena

Academics, Athletics Intersect at Arena

When it comes to college athletics many people have a notion that there is a separation from the rest of the university, that both operate in their own worlds and never intersect.  However, Eastern Kentucky University athletics has turned its basketball arena...
Senior 1 of 15 in U.S. to Earn NAPSLO Internship

Senior 1 of 15 in U.S. to Earn NAPSLO Internship

Brianna Saylor, a senior risk management and insurance major at Eastern Kentucky University, is one of only 15 college students nationwide selected for highly competitive National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices (NAPSLO) internship program. During...
Richards Wins MLK Community Service Award

Richards Wins MLK Community Service Award

Everyone has moments that change their lives forever. For EKU senior Diamond Richards, that moment came in her sophomore year (Fall 2014) when her grandmother fell ill. At her grandmother’s deathbed, Richards promised that she would stay in school. As a...
Student Journalist Honored by KPA

Student Journalist Honored by KPA

EKU junior Taylor Weiter, of Louisville, received second place in the Best Sports Column category of the Kentucky Press Association News Contest for her column, “No, I Don’t Know the Linebacker of the 1982 Colts.” The column, published in a 2015...