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The Campus Beautiful seems extra lovely in the springtime. Cherry trees are blooming, colorful tulips are opening, and the sun is always shining on the Ravine. We can’t wait for you to safely enjoy it all in person. Until then, browse these photos by staff photographer Carsen Bryant to keep you going.

A variety of colored flowers in front of Keen Johnson during the Spring semester
Recently mowed grass in front of Martin Hall on a sunny day during Spring
Sun shining down on the green grass of the Ravine during Spring Semester
Sun shining down on the recently built Campus Recreation Center during Spring.
Greenery and rocks in front of the New Science Building during Spring semester
Sun shining through trees on sitting area behind during Keen Johnson
Combs building surround by greenery during Spring semester
A variety of colored flowers bloom leading up to Roark during Spring semester
Bright greenery in front the Alumni Center at the Blanton House during Spring
Clouds over Case Dining Hall featuring eating area outside during Spring
Sun shinning through bright trees on to Foster Music Building during Spring
Walters Hall on a sunny day during Spring Semester
Outside stairs leading up to the Noel Studio entrance of the John Crabbe Library

Published on April 21, 2020