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Travis Martin, first-year courses administrator at Eastern Kentucky University, has been selected as Professional Member-at-Large in the Alpha Lambda Delta National Council. 

Martin was selected through a competitive, nationwide selection process. He will serve a three-year term for the prestigious honor society.

“It will be an honor to represent EKU,” said Martin. “I’m looking forward to helping make policy decisions for the national organization, collaborating with faculty and student council members from across the country, and sharing strategies that have made our chapter successful.” 

Alpha Lambda Delta is an honors society for first-year students who emerge as high-achievers. Nationally, the organization offers 83 scholarships annually, totaling more than $200,000. As professional member-at-large, Martin will serve on the scholarship selection committee, Order of the Torch and Maintaining the Flame selection committee, and the Expansion, Publication, and Chapter Relations committees.

Martin became a faculty adviser for EKU’s Alpha Lambda Delta chapter in December 2018. Since then, membership on campus has doubled. Under his leadership, the group began hosting Saturday Socials for new freshmen. This semester, they plan to work with EKU Green Dot to get a significant number of members trained in bystander intervention

Martin says that EKU Alpha Lambda Delta is community-oriented and open to all students. “ALD is a great place for EKU students to find community,” he said. “Our members are eager to help new students, especially. I’d encourage any EKU student to come and say hi if they are looking for a welcoming, inclusive environment.”