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The Eastern Kentucky University Department of Recreation and Park Administration recently received the Outstanding Department Award from the Kentucky Recreation and Park Society (KRPS).

The award, presented at the society’s annual conference, recognizes a department or agency (federal, state, local, university, private or church) that has demonstrated outstanding contributions in leisure services.

The EKU department’s contributions the past year included:

·         providing more than 50 student volunteers for the KRPS conference.

·         co-hosting a legislative luncheon in Frankfort with KRPS.

·         100 percent faculty attendance and dozens of student presenters at the KRPS conference.

·         grant funding to monitor visitor use of the Daniel Boone National Forest.

·         a grant for an Earth Day environmental education initiative.

·         more than 30 service-learning projects benefiting numerous agencies, including Boy Scouts of America, Spina Bifida Association, Camp Horsin’ Around, the Kentucky Trail Town program and Kentucky state parks, among many others.

EKU’s Department of Recreation and Park Administration, chaired by Dr. Jon McChesney, was reaccredited in 2016 with multiple commendations. The EKU department is the nation’s eighth-longest accredited program.

For more information about EKU’s Department of Recreation and Park Administration, visit