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Eastern Kentucky University recreation and park administration students are partnering with the U.S. Forest Service to conduct a recreational use survey in Daniel Boone National Forest.

The survey will be conducted randomly over the next year with forest visitors at developed and dispersed recreation areas and along Forest Service roads.

The survey information will be used to determine recreational trends and the interests of national forest visitors. Forest recreation managers will also use the survey information to evaluate economic benefits of recreation in local communities. The last visitor-use survey for the Daniel Boone National Forest was conducted five years ago.

Survey participation by forest visitors is voluntary and confidential. Personal identification is not required. The basic interview takes less than 10 minutes, but every other participant will be asked a few additional questions. About a third will be asked to complete a confidential questionnaire on recreational spending during their trip.

Among other questions, the survey will ask national forest visitors to identify their preferred recreational activities, the extent of their stay, and with how many people they traveled. Visitors will also be asked to rate their satisfaction with national forest facilities and services.

Visitors are encouraged to participate in this national survey to help the Forest Service evaluate recreational interest and program needs. More information is available about the visitor use monitoring program at