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Dr. Pete Kraska, professor and chair of graduate studies and research in Eastern Kentucky University’s School of Justice Studies, was invited by Yale University Law School to lecture on “Curbing Police Punitive Policies and Practices” on Feb. 23.

While at the Ivy League school, Kraska also discussed working collaboratively with Yale Law School in the areas of policing, social justice and the law.

Kraska is a leading scholar in the areas of police and criminal justice militarization, criminal justice theory and mixed methods research. His work has received national and international recognition, and he is frequently asked to present his research and findings to academic and policy audiences, including testimony before the U.S. Senate on police militarization.

His work has also been featured in media outlets such as 60 Minutes, BBC, National Public Radio, PBS News Hour, The Economist, Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Huffington Post.

He has published seven books, including “Criminal Justice and Criminology Research Methods,” “Theorizing Criminal Justice: Eight Essential Orientations,” and “Militarizing the American Criminal Justice System: The Changing Roles of the Armed Forces and Police.”

Kraska’s research has also been published in a number of leading journals, including the British Journal of Criminology, Social Problems, Justice Quarterly, and Policing and Society.