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For his Eagle Scout project, Conner Jones, a member of Boy Scout Troop No. 7 and an honor student at Madison Central High School, spent the past several months organizing efforts and resources to build information displays for the EKU Adult Education program in Madison and Garrard counties.

The mission of the EKU Adult Education program is to support adults in improving their educational levels and further prepare them as workers, citizens, parents and lifelong learners. The program offers free classes to all adult residents in Madison and Garrard counties to help them successfully complete the GED and NCRC and move forward with their college and/or career goals.

“Completing this project was a team effort all of the way,” Jones said. “I don’t think all of the work could have been done without the support of my troop leaders, teachers, and my fellow Scouts. We all understand that education is important. The EKU Adult Education program is a worthwhile program because they provide adults in our community opportunities to earn their GED and move on with their education all at no cost to the student. I just wanted to support the effort to reach more adults in our community and help them to access information about continuing their education and earning their GED. I hope the new display cabinets are helpful to the program and to the students they serve.”

Jones, the 17-year-old son of Phil and Paula Jones, has achieved more than 30 merit badges, including the required badges needed to earn the Eagle Scout award. He has served as the chaplain aide, historian, patrol leader and assistant senior patrol leader. He has been active in Cub and Boy Scouts since 2005.

Boy Scout Troop No. 7 is sponsored by First United Methodist Church in Richmond and led by Steven Isbell.