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The Eastern Kentucky University School of Music has recently embarked on a new way to watch performances during the  COVID-19 pandemic.

With help from colleagues in Broadcast and Electronic Media and the Eastern Progress, the EKU School of Music can now live-stream performances to viewers in the comfort of their own home. This minimizes the risk of spread while expanding their audience, sometimes even across continents. 

“As a team we decided that this was a direction we needed to go in,” said Joseph Carucci, EKU Chair/Director of Music Industry Studies and assistant professor, “We need to fill the void for our students who need to perform for people, and we can’t have a packed auditorium, we will reach out to people where we can get them.”

Broadcast and Electronic Media worked with the School of Music to recommend equipment and stream the first performance.

“Collaboration is an extremely important element in education,” said Carucci, “It demonstrates a dedication to growth and creative problem solving to our students.”

Performances range from concert recitals to EKU football post game shows featuring the marching band. 

“It’s created a great outreach for us, alumni, family members, and friends that couldn’t normally come in-person now have a way to watch from a distance,” said Carucci.

The School of Music has no plan of doing away with these live-stream performances if and when COVID-19 goes away. 

“This will be a part of our brand forever,” he said, “Our common mission right now is safety for our community and finding a way to retain our identity as a community. If we are all dedicated to that, we will come together.”

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