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Eastern Kentucky University has established a Historic Home Preservation Committee that is studying and evaluating the best uses for several historic properties owned by the University. 

The committee was created to examine the historical context of several properties owned by the University for possible use by both the University and local community, and to identify immediate needs regarding stabilization of those properties. 

“Eastern Kentucky University takes great pride in celebrating our history while always keeping an eye on the future,” said president Dr. David McFaddin. “We want to be good stewards of important historical properties now owned by the University and we want to be good community partners. We’re looking for solutions for how we might best do this in a way that encompasses our University, our community and our history. That’s what this committee is all about.” 

Once those properties are stabilized, the committee will evaluate possible future uses by the University and/or local community.

Members of the committee currently include: 

Ethan Witt, Assistant Vice President, Government and Community Relations

Brian Wilcox, Associate Vice President, Facility Services and Capital Planning

Lanny Brannock, Director of Communications

Charles Hay, EKU Archivist Emeritus and former President of the Madison County Historical Society

Jesse Hood, Director, Conferencing and Events

Jackie Couture, Special Collections and Archives

Ashley Thacker, University Records Administrator

Rachel Alexander, Assistant Director, Development

Dr. Daniel Enz, Assistant Professor, Applied Engineering and Technology

“This committee continues to demonstrate Eastern’s commitment to historic preservation. A number of years ago, through the efforts of Eastern and the Madison County Historical Society, 13 buildings on campus were placed on the National Register of Historic Places,” said Charles Hay, EKU Archivist Emeritus and former President of the Madison County Historical Society. “Eastern is proud to be custodians of those buildings. However, it now appears there is a need to re-institute this town and gown cooperative relationship. This relationship can help our committee make suggestions about preserving, as resources allow, our architectural heritage and material culture.” 

Jackie Couture, Special Collections and Archives said she is excited to be a part of the group. “As a group of knowledgeable and community-minded professionals selected to discuss the preservation and potential usage of historic properties, we’re hoping to make recommendations regarding historic properties that benefit both EKU and the community,” Couture said. “As the archivist of the university and as a member of the Madison County Historical Society, I’m hoping to bring together resources (state, federal and private) that could help preserve these historic properties and help integrate them into the educational mission of the University.”

The group meets monthly and has already begun discussions regarding the future of the J. Stone Walker House, a historic property on Lancaster Avenue.