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Model Laboratory School submitted eight applications to the Governor’s Scholars Program (GSP), and all eight students were accepted.

The juniors accepted into GSP are: Uma Aikat, Sophie Austin, Josh Collier, Laura Cole, Jarett Insko, Patrick Nnoromele, Avanti Patel and Sophie Gershtenson. Gershtenson (architecture and design) and Collier (film and photography) were also accepted into the Governor’s School for the Arts (GSA), and must decide between the two programs. Nathan Richey, a sophomore, was also accepted into the Governor’s School for the Arts for instrumental music, but will instead attend the nationally prestigious Brevard Music Center Summer Institute in North Carolina.

“At the school level, we began with 20 students starting the application process,” explained Laura Dedic, director of secondary schools for Model, which enrolls 227 students in grades 9-12. “The GSP rubric is pretty specific. A panel of five educators blind-scored the applications. Competition was fierce at the school level, and the applications were virtually flawless. We were very fortunate to move the eight forward to the state scoring level. We knew the strength of the applications, and anticipated a good outcome. But to receive a 100 percent acceptance rate was shocking. The administration is very proud of their hard work and accomplishments.”

Dedic said all the accepted students “were able to balance a high number of activities and community service while maintaining high academic standing. It demonstrates the integrity of the student, commitment to the quality of work they produce, the high level of achievements, and is an exemplar of educational experience at Model Laboratory School. Our shirt theme this year was ‘Some people get to meet great leaders. I get to teach them.’ I have no doubt these students will be our future leaders.”

The GPS accepted 1,060 students, while only 256 were selected for the GSA. “It’s a rarity that students are accepted into both these prestigious programs,” said Dedic, who credited high school guidance counselor Kelly Caldwell for coordinating the effort.

“These students spent many hours developing their applications. Academic achievement is one component, and each year the application process becomes more competitive. Service learning is a requirement at Model, and that is a major component of the GSP application.

“We are extremely happy for these students,” Dedic said. “They represent us well. And it is nice to see good kids be rewarded for their efforts.”