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Bechtel Parsons Blue Grass recently donated $500 to the Environmental Health Science (EHS) Club at Eastern Kentucky University.

John A.D. McArthur, environmental manager for the company, was on campus in December to present the check to Dr. Carolyn Harvey, recently retired chair of the Department of Environmental Health Science and Medical Laboratory Science.

“Bechtel Parsons Blue Grass appreciates the high-quality students who we hire as interns and as full-time employees from the environmental health science department at EKU,” McArthur said. “(EKU) students come to us needing little additional training and are ready to be put to work.”

Stephanie Blevins, REHS, WM RCRA specialist and EKU EHS graduate, helped facilitate the donation.

The EHS Club will use the donation to help support its annual EHS Symposium, to be held this year on March 29; to help send students to the National Environmental Health Association Annual Education Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan; and for environmental public health marketing and education.

The club’s mission is to improve the environmental health of the community, the Commonwealth and world, by increasing the number of EHS majors at Eastern, raising awareness of environmental health, and ensuring EKU EHS students are successful in the classroom and careers. For more information about the club, contact President Philip Heath at; Faculty Adviser Paul Rosile at, or any of the program’s faculty.