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SAIT 9 Team Members

Team Members

An image of the Case building at Eastern Kentucky University.
The following members serve on the SAIT.

Core Team

Core members, or their designees, attend all the SAIT meetings, receive the SAIT referrals, assist in gathering information, provide intervention support, and together assess risk according to the NABITA Risk Rubric (referred to as the Risk Assessment in this document).

Dr. Lara Vance

Dean of Students
SAIT Chair

Jeremy Mulholland

Associate Provost, Student Academic Affairs
SAIT Vice Chair

Emily Davis

Assistant Dean of Students and
Director, Student Conduct and Community Standards

Dr. Bryan Makinen

Associate Vice President, Facilities and Safety

Dr. Dustin Wygant

Executive Director, Integrated Behavioral Health

Whitney Crowe, J.D.

Deputy Counsel, University Counsel

Brandon Collins

Chief of Police

Jennifer McKnight

SAIT Case Manager


Director, Office of Equity and Inclusion

Dr. Kevin Stanley

Director, Counseling Center

Dr. Rae Loftis

Assistant Vice President, Student Affairs

Lauren Mountain

Executive Director,  Housing and Residence Life

Advisory Team

Advisory members hold the regular SAIT meeting times on their calendars but only meet with the SAIT on an as-needed or requested basis in an advisory capacity. They are invited to meetings for cases that relate to their scope, but they do not attend meetings regularly. These members may provide input on cases and may also be involved in providing interventions to students.


Director, Center for Inclusive Excellence and Global Engagement

Gary Folckemer

Director, Emergency Management and Safety

John Dixon, J.D.

Executive Director, Human Resources

Dr. Kelly Cogar

Senior Director, Center for Student Accessibility

Dr. Melinda Moore

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology

Julia Vasquez-Ross

Director of Student-Athlete Mental Health and Performance

Student Assistance and Intevention Team
