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Student Assistance and Intervention Team (SAIT)

Mission Statement

The Student Assistance and Intervention Team (SAIT) engages in proactive and collaborative approaches to identifying, assessing, and responding to concerns about students who struggle academically, socially, emotionally, psychologically, or behaviorally. The Team promotes individual student support while prioritizing the safety of the campus community.

The SAIT relies on all members of the campus community to report behaviors that are concerning.

All members of the campus community are encouraged to report behaviors that are concerning. The SAIT will be able to reach out to student to intervene, provide support, and connect them with resources that can assist them.

The SAIT Referral Form is not intended for use if there is an immediate threat of harm to self or others. Contact EKU Police by calling 911 or 859-622-1111 immediately if you feel the threatened behavior is imminent.

Please complete the form with as much information as possible. It is important that you report all observed or witnessed behaviors without including judgments, assessments and opinions. The report will go directly to the SAIT. Every effort will be made to protect the identity of persons reporting possible threatening or aberrant behavior or otherwise participating in the inquiry of such behavior.

Examples of behaviors to report may include but are not limited to:

  • Behaviors which regularly interfere with classroom environment or management

  • Notable change in academic performance

  • Notable change in behavior or appearance

  • Impairment of thoughts – written or verbal

  • Overly aggressive behaviors toward others; inability to set limits or re-direct focus

  • Poor decision making and coping skills

  • Inappropriate or strange behavior

  • Low frustration tolerance

  • Overreaction to circumstances

  • Writings and comments (including electronic communications) endorsing violence; unusual interest in violence

  • Indirect or direct threats in writings (including electronic communications) or verbalizations

  • Lack of empathy and concern for others; inability to care

  • Anger management problems

  • Threats to others, whether stated or implied

  • Appearance of being overly nervous, tense or tearful

  • Expression of suicidal thoughts or feelings of hopelessness

Keep in mind that the SAIT does not replace other processes on campus and may be conducted concurrently with other university processes. Communication between various offices will remain a priority.

Feedback on Resolution of Referral

In accordance with FERPA, ADA, HIPAA, and other Federal and State laws, following the assessment and intervention with the student of concern, the SAIT will try to provide feedback to the referring individual to inform them of resolution of the case and any ongoing follow-up in which they may need to be involved.

Student Assistance and Intevention Team
