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Is preserving nature and wildlife your passion? Eastern Kentucky University’s Wildlife Management program puts its students on the fast track to a career doing just that. Explore the opportunities available in the classroom and in the field. The Department of Biological Sciences also offers B.S. programs in Biology and Biomedical Sciences and an M.S. program in Biology.

Degree Concentrations

Conservation Management
Game Management


Job Opportunities for Graduates

  • Wildlife biologist
  • Wildlife law enforcement
  • Wildlife information and education
  • Wildlife and fisheries technician
  • Refuge manager
  • Nuisance wildlife control
  • Environmental scientist/technician
  • Environmental consulting company biologist

Where are Recent Graduates Employed?

  • National parks
  • State fish and wildlife agencies
  • U.S. Forest Service
  • Fisheries/fish hatcheries
  • Natural Resources Conservation Service
  • Environmental consulting companies
  • State wildlife management agencies

Career Outlook

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Scholarship Opportunities

Students in the EKU Wildlife Management program are eligible to apply for the following scholarships:
