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Are you passionate about issues of inequality, injustice and social change in our world? Do you want to understand these issues and make a difference in the lives of those around you? Then Eastern Kentucky University’s Social Justice Studies program might be the path for you. In addition to rigorous and interdisciplinary study, this program features hands-on experience and the opportunity to connect classroom learning with real world social activism.

Degree Concentration

Social Justice Studies


Internship Opportunities for Students

  • Community organizing for environmental and economic justice
  • Legal defense investigation
  • Political campaigns
  • Direct service organizations
  • Advocacy for victims
  • Advocacy for refugee populations

Job Opportunities for Graduates

  • Public interest law
  • Public policy analysis
  • Public, private, non-profit and community-based organizations
  • Alternative media and education
  • Community organizing
  • Conflict resolution
  • Human services
  • Environmental advocacy
  • Human and civil rights

What are Recent Graduates Up To?

  • Investigator with Kentucky Innocence Project
  • Investigator with Kentucky Department of Public Advocacy
  • Teaching English as a Second Language abroad
  • Youth worker
  • Enrolled or enrolling in advanced degree programs including: master’s in teaching, master’s in criminology and criminal justice, master’s in urban and regional planning, and law school

Career Outlook

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Scholarship Opportunities

Students in EKU’s Social Justice Studies program are eligible to apply for the following scholarships:


School of Justice Studies