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Do you enjoy science, problem solving and a hands-on work environment? With a career in medical laboratory science, you can be an integral part of the healthcare team and greatly impact patient well-being. Through Eastern Kentucky University’s NAACLS-accredited Medical Laboratory Science program, you can gain the knowledge and experience necessary for a successful healthcare career.

Degree Concentration

Medical Laboratory Science

Admission Requirements

Admission into the “Upper-Division” phase of the MLS program requires completion of pre-MLS curriculum with an overall and supporting grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.5 with a grade of “C” or better in all courses. After completing the pre-MLS curriculum requirements, students may formally apply for entry/admission into the EKU Medical Laboratory Science program. Students who meet the minimum requirements are placed into an applicant pool, and the department reserves the right to accept only the best qualified applicants.


Employment Opportunities for Graduates

  • Medical laboratory scientist in:
    • Hospitals, healthcare clinics and reference laboratories
    • Veterinary laboratories
    • Forensic laboratories
  • Blood bank and transfusion laboratories
  • Sales and service representatives for lab industries
  • Research at academic institutions
  • Laboratory information systems

Advanced Education Opportunities:

Medical laboratory science graduates have an excellent background for career advancement in medicine, dentistry, physician associate or pathology assistant, public health, research and marketing.

Career Outlook

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Scholarship Opportunities

Students in the EKU Medical Laboratory Science program are eligible to apply for the following scholarship:

  • David and Beverly Hufford Medical Laboratory Science Endowed Scholarship


Medical Laboratory Science
Dizney Building, Room 220