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Accredited by AACSB, Eastern Kentucky University’s General Business program will set you up for a successful career in nearly any industry. Learn the ins and outs of the business world from accomplished, caring faculty with industry experience. Choose from several creative concentrations and customize your degree to fit your goals. Join student professional organizations tailored to your interests. Earn co-ops and internships that lead to your first full-time job. Explore the endless opportunities.

Degree Concentrations 

BBA Minors Certificates
General Business* Business Corporate Communication
International Business International Business Global Supply Chain Management
Corporate Communication
Global Supply Chain Management
Business and Marketing Education

*on-campus or online


Where are Recent Graduates Employed?

  • Ashland, Inc.
  • Lectrodryer
  • Procter & Gamble

Career Outlook

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Scholarship Opportunities

Students in the EKU General Business program are eligible to apply for the following scholarships:


College of Business