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Do you enjoy problem solving, data analysis and working with technology? Eastern Kentucky University offers the first of only two undergraduate statistics programs in the state of Kentucky. Statistics is an interdisciplinary study that can be applied to a variety of career fields.

Degree Concentrations

M.A. in Applied Mathematics B.S. in Data Science and Statistics Minors Certificate
Applied Mathematics Data Science Combination Mathematics Applied Data Science
Discrete Mathematics Combination Mathematical Sciences
Statistics Combination Mathematics Teaching
Actuarial Sciences


Job Opportunities for Graduates

  • Data scientist
  • Actuary
  • SAS programmer
  • Quality engineer

Where are Recent Graduates Employed?

  • United States Census Bureau
  • Catalyst Clinical Research, LLC
  • Aetna

Career Outlook

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Scholarship Opportunities

Students in EKU Statistics program are eligible to apply for the following scholarship:

  • Ronald E. Pierce Scholarship

Ready to apply?

EKU Admissions
EKU Graduate School


The Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Graduate Program