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With an Eastern Kentucky University Minor of Art History, you will acquire transferable skills which can be applied to a variety of professional roles. These skills include communication, problem-solving, creative thinking, self-discipline and hand-eye coordination.


A student may minor in Art History by completing a minimum of 18 hours as follows:

  • ARH 392: Survey of Global Art History or 392W: Survey of Global Art History
  • ARH 393: Survey of Global Art History II or 393W: Survey of Global Art History II
  • ART 563: Art Theory and Criticism Seminar

PLUS 9 hours of art history electives from:

  • ARH 463: Problems in Art History
  • ARH 464: Renaissance and Baroque Art
  • ARH 465: History of Graphic Arts
  • ARH 467: U.S. Architectural History.
  • ARH 490: Art in the Age of Revolutions
  • ARH 491: The Rise of Modernism
  • ARH 494: Women and the Visual Arts
  • ARH 497: History of Modern Art
  • ARH 498: U.S. Art History


Minor in Art History