M.S. in Athletic Training


Become the legacy AT EKU. EKU offers the first and longest-standing athletic training program in Kentucky.
Get hands-on education, learn from experienced faculty, and benefit from an established
network of alumni and clinical affiliations.


Master of Science
Athletic Training


CAATE logo EKU’s Master of Science in Athletic Training is CAATE accredited.


Admissions Requirements

  • Completion of bachelor’s degree and prerequisite course requirements
  • Minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.5, and 2.75 in prerequisite courses
  • 50 hours of clinical observation/experience under an Athletic Trainer within two years
    prior to program application

Apply for EKU’s master’s in Athletic Training via the Athletic Training Centralized
Application System (ATCAS) at atcas.liaisoncas.com. The application opens around July 1 of the year prior to the anticipated start date.

Many students apply during their final year of their bachelor’s degree and start the
program the summer after graduation. The most updated list of requirements and pre-requisite
courses can be found at athletictraining.eku.edu/ms-program-application.



Job Opportunities for Graduates

  • Risk management and injury prevention
  • Emergency care during athletic events
  • Clinical examination and diagnosis
  • Care for acute injury and illness
  • Therapeutic and rehabilitative exercise
  • Healthcare administration
  • Rehabilitation sports medicine
  • Independent contracting for business marketing/sales, ergonomics, and performance
  • Consulting for industrial, legal, and athletic industries

Where are Recent Graduates Employed?

  • Dallas Cowboys
  • Pittsburgh Pirates
  • Houston Astros
  • Cincinnati Ballet
  • Toyota
  • Various clinics and high schools across the U.S. (KY, MD, TX, OH…)
  • University of Kentucky Sports Medicine
  • Marshall University
  • University of Florida, Alabama and Nebraska

Career Outlook

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Ready to apply?

Visit the Graduate School website to get started.



(859) 622-8149

Athletic Training Stories