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If you are fascinated by history and want to understand more about the past, then the Eastern Kentucky University History program might be for you. Enjoy small classes with dedicated faculty where you can question the most complex issues of our past and how they have affected society. Learn about the past to better prepare for your future.

Degree Concentrations

Master’s 3+2 B.A./M.A. Bachelor’s Minor
History History History History
History Teaching


Internship Opportunities for Students

  • Hands-on experience in being historians inside and outside the classroom, including internships and co-ops in the EKU Special Collections, Kentucky Historical Society and more
  • Opportunities to study abroad for a summer or a semester

Job Opportunities for Graduates

  • Archives/Museums
  • Education/Teaching
  • Journalism/Media
  • Government/Law
  • Management/Business

Where are Recent Graduates Employed?

  • Kentucky Cabinet for Children and Families
  • Managerial positions with
  • Aerospace Division of Booz Allen
  • U.S. Bank
  • KY State Archives
  • Fayette, Madison, Scott, Estill, Laurel, Rockcastle, Pulaski and Shelby counties in Ky. (as history/social studies teachers)
  • Area community colleges (as history instructors)

Where are Recent Graduates Studying?

  • Completing Ph.D.s and Library Science/Archive M.A.s at University of Chicago, University of Kansas and University of Kentucky
  • Completing Ph.D.s at Michigan State University, University of Kentucky and Auburn
  • Pursuing law degrees at Salmon Chase, NKU and Duke University

Career Outlook

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Scholarship Opportunities

Students in the EKU History program are eligible to apply for the following scholarships:


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