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Build your career around food and nutrition. The accredited general dietetics program at Eastern Kentucky University is very versatile and prepares graduates for a variety of careers. Students can gain hands-on experience in the student-run Burrier Cafe and eventually earn the registered dietician credential. Learn more.

Degree Concentrations

B.S. in Food and Nutrition
Culinary Nutrition and Food Management

Admission Requirements

Students are initially admitted to EKU as pre-food and nutrition majors. Applications to the program are received each spring semester for admission the following fall. Requirements include:

  • At least 45 credit hours
  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
  • A combined GPA of 3.0 in  the following courses or their equivalents:
    • NFA 121, 201, 202 and 317
    • ACC 200


 Job Opportunities for Graduates

  • Restaurant or Foodservice Manager
  • Clinical dietitian
  • Community nutritionist
  • Cooperative extension agent
  • Food event planner
  • Test kitchen manager

Scholarship Opportunities

Students in the Department of Applied Human Sciences are eligible to apply for the following scholarships:

  • Mary King Burrier Scholarship
  • Roberta B. Hill Scholarship
  • Marva Ann Harris Spirit Award

Career Outlook:

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Work Environment

Most dietitians and nutritionists work full time. They may work evenings and weekends to meet with clients who are unavailable at other times.

Similar Occupations

  • Health education specialists and community health workers
  • Registered nurses
  • Rehabilitation counselors


Applied Human Sciences Department
Food and Nutrition Program
Dr. Karina Christopher, Interim Chair, DPD Director