EKU President David McFaddin speaks from a podium in front of an EKU backdrop at the EKU Manchester Scholarship reception.

EKU Celebrates Scholarship for EKU Manchester Students

Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) celebrated the progress of a $1.5 million fundraising initiative on Thursday evening at the EKU Manchester Regional Campus in Manchester, Kentucky. Since the initiative launched last fall, more than $1.2 million has been raised toward the $1.5 million goal. The Manchester Endowed Scholarship Fund provided nearly $70,000 in scholarship support to 22 students attending the EKU Manchester Regional Campus this fall.

“Students are at the heart of why we are here today,” said EKU President David McFaddin. “As I see EKU Manchester students and community leaders here this evening, I feel incredibly proud of this opportunity that’s been created through our Manchester Regional Campus and this new scholarship. Students in Manchester and the region can get a quality education, right at home, and then have an opportunity to serve Kentucky’s communities through their careers upon graduation.” 

The EKU Manchester Regional Campus was established in 2009, realizing a dream of Clay County community leaders to provide a college education for local students. A state-of-the-art facility, academic programs and now a scholarship specifically for EKU Manchester students, makes a college degree affordable and accessible—allowing students to stay close to home for higher education and their careers. Kentucky Senate President Robert Stivers has been instrumental in the development of EKU’s Manchester Campus, as well as the Manchester Endowed Scholarship Fund.

“It’s apparent how much our community uplifts one another, and already, we’re making a profound impact for our local students as we’ve nearly met the $1.5 million fundraising goal we set out to achieve just one year ago,” said Kentucky Senate President Robert Stivers, R-Manchester, District 25. “Our collective efforts are creating opportunities where none existed before, and I’m excited about the promise this endowed fund holds for so many young people.” 

EKU announced the fundraising goal in September 2023, along with a gift from Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives. Since then, many other organizations, corporations and individual donors have generously helped to make the scholarship a reality. Through this support, the Manchester Campus Endowed Scholarship Fund continues the vision to bring higher education to the region. 

Dr. Leslie Sizemore, associate vice president for workforce and economic development at the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE), also spoke at the reception on Thursday evening.

“The Manchester Campus Scholarship initiative ties perfectly with our goal at CPE to connect higher education with industry partners,” said Sizemore. “When educational opportunities are accessible locally, Kentucky’s communities and our state as a whole thrives. We’re really excited for this initiative and the unique opportunity available to students in my home region of Southeastern Kentucky.” 

The EKU Manchester Regional Campus has led to more than 7,500 students beginning their education at EKU, with over one-third being first-generation college students. The campus offers general education requirements, as well as full degree programs in high-demand fields, such as elementary education, criminal justice, psychology and social work.

Kyree Swafford, a freshman and recipient of the EKU Manchester Campus Scholarship, said, “Your generosity is not just an investment in my future; it is an investment in the future of countless others who will benefit from the ripple effects of your support. Each scholarship awarded is like a seed planted, nurturing not just the growth of one student but fostering the development of entire communities and future generations.”

Swafford talked about her upbringing in Manchester, as the daughter of teen parents. Today, her mother and stepfather are graduates of EKU, and Swafford is pursuing a social work degree at the EKU Manchester Campus. “My mother’s career path as a social worker and advocate for children in the area has inspired my own professional aspirations,” she said. “With the help that you have afforded through the Manchester Endowed Scholarship, I hope to continue to provide safe spaces for children, just as my mother has.”

To make a philanthropic contribution to the EKU Manchester Campus Endowed Fund, visit go.eku.edu/give-Manchester.

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