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Student Spotlight

Photo of Connor LileConnor Lile

Connor Lile is a senior in the School of Justice Studies, at Eastern Kentucky University (EKU), where he is majoring in criminal justice. Originally from Elizabethtown, Connor chose to pursue criminal justice at EKU for a number of reasons, including his passion for true crime stories, an enduring interest in the discipline, the excellent reputation of the program, as well as the affordability of pursuing a degree at EKU. 

During his collegiate career Connor has been a very engaged student, consistently earning good grades, and being involved in a variety of academic and extracurricular activities. For example, Connor was part of a research project that examined the benefits of rehabilitation treatment opposed to punitive treatments in the criminal justice system. He has also been an active participant in a variety of intramural sports.  

In speaking about his experiences at EKU, Connor indicates “I have learned that the only thing holding me back is myself and there is not anyone or anything else that can stop me other than my own mind”. It is this attitude and approach to his studies and life more generally that has made Connor a wonderful student to have in the classroom. This past semester, Connor took a course with Dr. Shannon Williams who speaks very highly of Connor and thoroughly enjoyed his contributions to class discussions and those that continued outside of course time. As shared by Connor “The experiences that I will remember for years to come will be the after-class discussions with Professor Shannon Williams. These discussions ranged and would always make me think about either the material in class or something else entirely in a completely different way.”  

Here in the School of Justice Studies we are very proud of Connor and everything he has achieved. We have no doubts that he will be successful in his career plans to be either a private investigator or a criminal intelligence analyst.  

Published 6/17/2024


School of Justice Studies

521 Lancaster Ave
467 Stratton
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: (859) 622-1978


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