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Home 9 Autumn Frye

Autumn Frye


Autumn FryeIt was in Fall of 2022, that Autumn took CRJ 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice with Dr. Judah Schept and fell in love with the discipline. As Autumn notes,

Ever since I declared Criminal Justice as my major and began taking classes within the program, every professor has offered me new reasons to appreciate this field of study and further my education. I always wanted to pick a career that would allow me to give back to my community in a significant way. The justice system is critically intertwined with our lives, and I would often wonder if I would ever be capable of being a part of it.

The answer to Autumn’s pondering is an unwavering yes, she is very capable!

Autumn is an excellent student, very hard working, and consistently gets good grades. She made the Dean’s list in Fall of 2023, and then again in Spring of 2023. Autumn reports that being exposed to numerous perspectives has allowed her to examine the world in a way she would never have done so before attending college. This has earned her considerable insight that she will carry with her as she continues her education and goes on to pursue a career in law enforcement, with a specific interest in becoming a homicide detective.

In reflecting on her first semester here at EKU, Autumn stated,

I started the year feeling lost without a passion for something to pursue as a degree. Finding this major, dedicating more of my schedule to it, and finally looking forward to my career made me realize I didn’t have to force myself into a box to feel excited about my future. I want to remember that fear and resolution as I move forward after graduation when I feel uncertain. Passion for something is worth overcoming fear. I’ve been so thankful to study the criminal justice system through the eyes of so many different and brilliant people.

We in the School of Justice Studies are very proud of Autumn, her hard work, and her dedication to her chosen field of study. She is a true inspiration who is spoken of highly by her professors and peers. It is exciting to watch and see what will come next for Autumn, but whatever it is, we know she will be successful.

Published 5/28/2024

School of Justice Studies

521 Lancaster Ave
467 Stratton
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: (859) 622-1978


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