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Criminal Justice

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Program Overview


Eastern Kentucky University has been a national leader in criminal justice education for decades. The Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice is based on a dynamic curriculum that is intended to help students understand the underlying cultural, economic, and political connections with social harm, crime and systems of social control. Our Criminal Justice students have the opportunity to study with highly accomplished faculty who have earned acclaim for their teaching and scholarship. Our Criminal Justice Program is designed to cultivate the critical thinking and reasoning skills needed to be successful in criminal justice careers or further educational pursuits.

Career Opportunities

State and Local Law Enforcement
(State Police, County Sheriff’s Office, City Police)
Federal Law Enforcement
(ATF, FBI, Secret Service, Park Service, Fish & Wildlife)
State and Local Corrections
(Probation, Parole, Prisons, Jails)
Federal Corrections
(Bureau of Prisons, Probation and Parole)

Corporate / Industrial Security Services
Crime Policy Analyst
Crime Scene Investigators Criminologist

Customs Agent
Juvenile Justice and Youth Services Private Investigator
Rape Crisis, Battered Women Shelters, Drug Treatment
State and Federal Courts U.S. Military Services
Victim Advocacy and Child Protective Services

Bachelor’s Degree

Total Curriculum Req: 120 Hours

37 hrs – General Ed./University Req.
15 hrs – Core Courses (Listed below)
27 hrs – CRJ Electives
9 hrs – Supporting Courses 32 hrs – Free Electives


Total Curriculum Requirements: 18 Hours

CRJ 101, 313, or 313S, 331, 388, 400

Core Courses

CRJ 101 – Introduction to Criminal Justice
A general overview of the criminal justice system including a description of the major agencies; police, prosecution, courts, and corrections, and analysis of their interdependence in the criminal justice process.

CRJ 313 – Criminal Justice Ethics
Examines the moral, legal and normative obligations of the state and criminal justice professionals. Surveys the philosophies and theories of ethics and deviance.

CRJ 331 – Criminological Theory
Overview of crime and its control. Examines law making, law breaking, and the social response from theoretical perspectives including social, economic, cultural, symbolic, phycological and biological. Includes historical and contemporary developments.

CRJ 388 – Research Methods
Overview of the research process, with emphasis on finding, using and evaluating criminal justice research. Examination of both quantitative and qualitative social science research methods and procedures appropriate to the study of crime policy and criminal justice.

CRJ 400 – Criminal Justice Statistics
Analytical and statistical concepts and procedures relevant to crime and criminal justice data. Includes quantitative and qualitative techniques.

Elective Options

CRJ 204  Foundations of Corrections
CRJ 301  Drugs, Crime, and Society
CRJ 305  Domestic Violence
CRJ 314  Law and Society
CRJ 325  White Collar Crime/Crimes of the Powerful
CRJ 340  Crime and Media
CRJ 342  Victimology
CRJ 344  Violence Against Women
CRJ 350  International and Comparative Criminal Justice System
CRJ 355  Rural Crime and Justice
CRJ 375  Climate Change and Crime
CRJ 401  Organized Crime
CRJ 406  Critical Issues in Criminal Justice
CRJ 411  Capital Punishment in the U.S.
CRJ 412  Gender, Class and Race
CRJ 422  Human Trafficking
CRJ 423  Topical Seminar
CRJ 424  Field Experience
CRJ 430  Crime and Economy
CRJ 440  Pathological Gambling and Crime
CRJ 460  Independent Study
CRJ 490 Senior Seminar

Students may also choose elective courses from Police Studies (PLS) to meet the Criminal Justice elective requirement.

Information based on EKU’s 2022/2023 course catalog and is subject to change.

School of Justice Studies

521 Lancaster Ave
467 Stratton
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: (859) 622-1978


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