A large group of EKU international students gather in front of flags for a photo, many dressed in attire representing their native countries.


International Student & Scholar Services

Our mission is to provide services and support to all visiting and exchange international students who are seeking to further their education at Eastern Kentucky University.

The Office of International Student and Scholar Services will provide excellent service that is responsive, consistent, and well communicated to the international student population with the goal toward making their educational experiences successful, memorable, and life changing.


Overseas Admissions Representatives

EKU officially appoints representatives on a commission basis to assist students with the application and admission process. If you are an EKU faculty member and are interested in recruiting international students from a particular country, please communicate with the appropriate representative as well as the Director of Admissions, Ms. Stephanie Whaley, for assistance.

IndiaGeeBee Education Pvt. Ltd.
27 Vaswani Mansions, 5th Floor, Opp K. C. College
Dinsha Vacha Road
Churchgate, Mumbai – 400 020, India
Telephone: 00 91 22 4322 2333
Fax: 00 91 22 2285 4453
Website: GeeBee World