Workers’ Compensation

As part of the Department of Environmental Health & Safety, The University Claims Office is responsible for overseeing insurance claims related to work injuries/illnesses (arising out of, and in the scope of, their employment), property loss claims, auto claims, and all other claims specific to our many University insurance policies.

This University Claims Office also oversees the OSHA 300A Log.


The Workers’ Compensation Law is designed to compensate employees for loss of earning power due to work related injuries or diseases “arising out of and in the course and scope of their employment.” This coverage includes both medical expenses and loss of time (payroll) payments to an employee who is unable to work for an extended period of time due to a compensable injury or disease. This applies to all state employees, regardless of merit status or type of employment. All employees are covered under the Kentucky Workers’ Compensation Law (KRS 342).

If An Employee Becomes Injured

All injuries should be reported to the University Claims Office as soon as they occur. If the injury requires immediate medical attention, seek that first! To report a work related injury, use the Employee Injury/Illness Report. If you do not have access to our online reporting form, visit or call the University Claims Office. If you are an employee with Facilities Services you may visit Kim Cook for completion of the First Report of Injury. Please report within 24 hours of the injury.

The Signature Page must be signed and returned to the University Claims Office along with the Medical Consent Waiver.

  • By signing the Signature Page one is recognizing that it is unlawful to falsify any information in an attempt to defraud any insurance company or the State of Kentucky.
  • The Medical Consent Waiver gives Eastern Kentucky University/University Claims Office and it’s Workers’ Compensation Insurance carrier permission to access records from medical providers regarding medical history and the Workers’ Compensation injury.

If any work is missed as a result of the injury or illness, it is essential to inform the University Claims Office immediately. If you are off for this injury more than three days, please contact Human Resources regarding applying for FMLA.

All forms must be completed and sent to the University Claims Office. If any questions or concerns shall arise during this process, please contact the University Claims Office at 859-622-5523.

Employee Responsibilities

  • It is the employee’s responsibility to immediately report an injury or illness to the supervisor.
  • It is the employee’s responsibility to make any appointments for treatment with an approved KEMI provider (Kemi’s Approved Provider List) and make sure the provider is clear that your visit is a Workers’ Compensation claim. If the employee needs their Workers’ Compensation claim number, they need to contact the University Claims Office-It is the injured employee’s responsibility to notify their supervisor/department and the University Claims Office, each time their treating physician takes them off work (due to their work-related injury or illness). The injured or ill employee must keep their supervisor/department and the University Claims Office informed of their work status. Provide updated off work statements from their treating physician(s) to the claims office immediately after your visit.
  • The EKU Workers’ Compensation carrier will mail to the employee a Designated Physician Form (Form 113) and the Medical Waiver and Consent Form. The two forms should be completed and returned to the University Claims Office within 10 days of receiving the forms.

Supervisor Responsibilities

  • It is the supervisor’s responsibility to immediately email the University Claims Office to let them know of the employee’s injury/illness. If possible, please fax forms to (859) 622-1258.
  • It is the supervisor’s responsibility to keep the University Claims Office informed of the employee’s work status by using the WCF-1 Form, or by calling and speaking with someone in the University Claims Office (859) 622-5523.

Lost Time Benefit

Workers’ Compensation will begin paying compensation after the employee has been off work due to a work-related injury or illness for at least seven(7) consecutive calendar days. If the employee is off work for more than fourteen (14) consecutive calendar days, compensation is also payable for the first seven (7) calendar days of the injury. Workers Compensation only pays loss time benefits for full days off work, at the directing(in writing) of the treating physician. The amount of pay from Workers Compensation is sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66 2/3%) of the employee’s weekly pay. An employee may use their sick and/or vacation leave to bring the total compensation from all sources ( EKU and Workers Compensation) up to the employee’s full regular pay.

  • Workers Compensation does not pay for time off work for a doctors visit, physical therapy, or medical testing.
  • Please make sure all claims are reported in a timely manner. Late or delayed reporting of a claim could jeopardize the compensability of the claim.
  • If the claim is denied by Workers Compensation, the employee, or their health insurance is responsible for any payments, including doctor bills, emergency room charges, prescriptions , etc.
  • If the employee will be off work for three (3) or more days, the employee is required to apply for Family and Medical Leave. If the employee anticipates missing six (6) months or more of work, they may want to file a claim for Long-Term Disability benefits, please contact University Human Resources.

Quick Links

Common Forms

Contact Information

University Claims Office
521 Lancaster Avenue
Adams House
Richmond, Kentucky 40475
Phone: 859-622-5523
Fax: 859-622-1258