Volunteer Program

Volunteers provide an important resource for Eastern Kentucky University in carrying out its educational mission by assisting EKU departments in many areas and help enhance our ability to serve students.

The purpose of these guidelines is to enable EKU to effectively manage its engagement and use of volunteers, reduce possible risks associated with the use of volunteers, and otherwise serve the best interests of EKU and our community. Additionally, the volunteer program defines the purpose of volunteers, outlines eligibility criteria, and details the process for engaging the services of a volunteer.

General Information

  • A volunteer is not considered an employee of the University.
  • A volunteer must be age 18 or older, complete the required volunteer forms, pass a criminal background check, and receive pre-approval from Human Resources before they can begin volunteering.
  • A volunteer willingly provides their services free of charge without any promise, expectation, or receipt of pay or benefit from the University.
  • A volunteer performs activities at the request of, for the benefit of, and under the supervision of the EKU and does not perform hazardous duties or any duties that would replace/displace an actual employee of EKU.
  • Current employees may not serve as volunteers at EKU in any capacity in which they are employed at the University, or which is essentially similar to or related to their regular work at the University.
  • Current employees may only volunteer for special events.
  • An individual performing volunteer services may not displace a current employee, replace a past employee or position, or impair the employment of an employee holding a position at EKU. An individual serving as a volunteer may not perform functions traditionally handled by an EKU employee, and may not provide services that are substantially the same as those provided by an employee in a paid position within the department they are volunteering.
  • An EKU volunteer’s service may be terminated at any time, for any reason or no reason at all, with or without prior notice.

Mass Background Checks & Approvals

If your department is planning a large event and will need the services of 10 or more volunteers, please contact the Human Resources office at eku.human.resources@eku.edu to discuss options for ordering mass background checks on your applicants.

Process Highlights for Engaging Volunteers

  • Review the Volunteer Program Guidelines to become familiar with the program.
  • Create a written summary of the duties or services to be performed by the volunteer and the educational, experience, and physical requirements to perform those duties.
  • Complete the Volunteer Eligibility Questionnaire to ensure that use of a volunteer is appropriate for your situation.
  • Complete the EKU Volunteer Service Agreement and obtain the required signatures.
  • Submit all paperwork to HR and await approval.
  • HR will send approval once the paperwork has been reviewed and the background check satisfactorily completed.