For Faculty and Staff Windows machines, the software can be safely installed using the Software Center tool to install packages prepared by IT staff.
How to Launch Software Center
Software Center can be launched by opening the Start Menu. It is located under All Programs under either the Microsoft System Center, Microsoft System Center 2012, or Microsoft Endpoint Security folders as seen below:

How to Install Applications
Once the application is running, select the Applications on the list along the left side of the window.
Applications newly available since the last time the Software Center was launched will be flagged with a NEW icon. Information about publisher, version, if the software is required (mandatory), and if the software is installed.
Using the dropdown boxes at the top the available software can be filtered and sorted.

Selecting a software title reveals an Install button, or a Reinstall button if already installed. Additionally, information related to the language, estimated time of installation, download size, and date the title was made available.

How to install Updates and Upgrades
Once the application is running, select the Updates on the list along the left side of the window.
The Updates tab shows the Windows Updates and Upgrades that have been made available to your system. In addition to the name of the update, the publisher, and status is displayed. The status field is where the date and time of the update/upgrade becoming mandatory is displayed, and if the installation is ongoing or complete.
Individual updates can be installed by clicking on one of the listed updates which will present you an Install button. Alternatively, all available updates can be installed clicking the Install All button in the upper right portion of the screen. This is where you can install the updates and upgrades either singularly or all at once by using the options available here.

How to Monitor Installation Process
Once an installation has begun, even if there are multiple, the progress can be monitored in the Installation Status tab located on the left side of the window.
This tab shows the name, publisher, install date and status of any active or queued application, upgrade, or update. This includes both those manually initiated and those that have reached their installation deadline and are being installed mandatorily.
Utilizing the drop-down boxes above the list of applications, upgrade and updates the view can be filtered and sorted as required.