Student Activities and Waivers

What is a Waiver?

A release an individual signs in consideration for being able to participate in a certain activity and releases the party to whom the waiver is addressed from any damages or injuries resulting from the event described. Waivers are commonly referred to as a “permission slip”.

Why Use A Waiver?

The use of a waiver is very important when planning any activity or program. The waiver is a form of protection for you, your student group, and for the institution in case an issue or incident occurs during an event or activity.

Do I Need To Use A Waiver?

If you are facilitating, organizing, hosting, planning, sponsoring, etc., an on or off campus activity or program, then you may need a waiver.

  • If it is a mandatory activity, you do NOT need a waiver. Mandatory activities are not only requirements of an academic course, but also the course itself must be a required course to complete before graduation.
  • If voluntary activity, you DO need a waiver. Voluntary activities consist of activities taking place in an elective course as well as social activities, study abroad, honor’s program activities, etc.
  • Waivers are NOT necessary for low-risk activities such as on-campus meals, concerts, on-campus guest speaker events, etc.

Which Waiver to Use?

Answer the following questions to determine which waiver(s) you will need to distribute to your participants.

  • Does the activity involve certain risks inherent with the activity, but does NOT require necessary skills or a certain level of physical fitness? Use the General Waiver (see General Waiver link below). An example of an activity requiring a general waiver would be a trip to a professional conference.
  • Does the activity involve physical activity or involve necessary specific skills? If so, you will need the High-Risk Waiver. An example of an activity requiring a high-risk waiver would be a trip to a construction site, but before being able to participate the student must have taken certain courses, know certain skills, or have passed a test.
  • Please contact the Office of University Counsel by phone at 622-6693 or by email for assistance in obtaining a high-risk waiver.
  • Are any of the participants “guests” for whom the activity or program was not intended (i.e. children, spouses, other faculty members)? If so, they will need the Guest Waiver.
  • Additional Waivers:
    Will the activity be photographed or videotaped? If so, participants will need the Photo Release Waiver.

Tips When Using a Waiver

  • Distribute the waivers to participants a minimum of two weeks before the activity or program.
  • Students can complete the waivers electronically through the external links tool on your Blackboard page and submit them as assignments.
  • If participants are under the age of 18, be sure that their parent or guardian has read and signed the waiver. (Remember, EKU students can be under the age of 18.)
  • Review waivers to ensure their proper completion and make sure you have one from each participant the day before the activity or program.
  • Leave word with your department chair or office coordinator regarding your trip. Please leave the names of those students/participants attending the activity/trip, a rough itinerary for your activity/trip and contact information for trip organizers at the location(s) of your trip.
  • Completed waivers must be maintained for one (1) year after the date of activity for students who are 18 years of age or over as of the date of the activity. For students under the age of 18 on the date of the activity, the completed waiver must be maintained for one (1) year after the minor student reaches 18 years of age.