Strategies for Providing Meaningful Feedback

Feedback should help students grow, support their learning, and ensure their continued progress in the course.

Why consider the importance of meaningful feedback?

Feedback includes the range of responses regarding student performance of behavior in your course. The purpose of feedback in the learning and learning-related assessment process is to continuously improve student performance and academic success (not hinder it). Thus, it is essential that the process is viewed as a positive from the student perspective during their learning experiences. However, negative feedback can discourage effort, interest, or continuation in the course. Instructors can nurture student learning and situate feedback in a way that the student does not feel defeated.

What is meaningful feedback? 

Focused on educating students
Giving feedback means providing students with an explanation of what they are doing well (or correctly) and where they can improve (what they are doing incorrectly). The focus, however, is on what the student is doing well (or right). Provide students with an explanation (and examples) of what they are doing well (or what is accurate) in their learning or assignments. Begin feedback with a compliment (then move to what should be corrected).

Meaningful feedback is delivered to students after demonstrating learning. When instructors deliver timely feedback, students remember the experience, what was learned, and the content.

Responsive to Individual Student Needs
Consider the individual learning and academic needs of students. EKU is a community of diverse learners. Feedback should respond to the unique progress of learners in the course, while also encouraging their progress.

Provide Examples
When delivering meaningful feedback, provide examples that communicate or reinforce the purpose of the assignment. Providing an example ensures transparency in learning.

Refer Students to Support
EKU offers academic support to ensure student academic success. Refer students to use academic support early in the semester so that they are comfortable and confident in the quality and timeliness of the resources the University offers. Refer students to the Noel Studio for Academic Creativity, Center for STEM Excellence, or Student Success Center. The Noel Studio also offers orientations for faculty to bring their students to the space to learn more about the programs and services offered.