Statement on Medical Amnesty for Alcohol or Drug Emergencies

When a Student finds themselves or another Student’s safety at risk due to the use of alcohol or other drugs, they should contact emergency responders immediately for medical assistance. Formal disciplinary action for violations of the Code of Conduct may not be enforced provided the involved Students do as follows: 

  • Request emergency medical attention for themselves or for someone else who reasonably appears to be in need of medical assistance due to alcohol or other drug consumption; 
  • Provide their own full name to responding University employees and emergency responders;
  • Provide any other relevant information requested by the responding University employees that is known to such person;
  • Remain with, or is, the individual who reasonably appears to be in need of medical assistance due to alcohol or drug consumption until professional emergency medical assistance is provided; and, 
  • Cooperate with emergency medical assistance personnel and law enforcement officers.
    Students granted amnesty will be required to participate in an educational follow-up process with the University or meet other conditions in order to avoid creation of a student conduct record. Parents may be notified of the incident. Repeated incidents by an individual may result in an elevated response from the University. Violation of other regulations such as vandalism, disrupting the peace, or sexual misconduct may still apply.