Snow Removal & Ice Melt Distribution

Winter weather provides an opportunity to execute our weather response plans. The goal is to provide designated pathways for vehicular and pedestrian travel around campus. Note that the designated pathway may not be the normal or customary travel that is used during more favorable weather conditions. Active weather conditions warrant caution as the teams respond and mitigate hazards; this takes time. Please refer to the EKU Weather Plan for more information.

When faced with a severe weather event, regardless of an official University announcement, the determination of safe travel or other unforeseen situations rests with the individual. Weather in Richmond may be different from weather in another area of the state; employees should coordinate with their supervisors to determine work attendance due to weather-related circumstances. For students, please coordinate with your professors to develop solutions for missed classes or work.

Please phone 859-622-2966 to report hazardous conditions.

Please refer to the images below for details about Eastern Kentucky University’s plans for handling snow removal and ice melt distribution across campus.

North Campus Overall Sidewalks

South Campus Overall Sidewalks

North Campus Sidewalks

Priority treatment walkways are indicated on the maps with blue lines.

South Campus Sidewalks

Priority treatment walkways are indicated on the maps with blue lines.