Separation from Employment

These guidelines are for the voluntary separation of faculty and staff from employment at Eastern Kentucky University.

Immediately upon notice of the separation of an employee, a Personnel Action Form (PAF) must be completed by the department designee and submitted to Human Resources, along with resignation or termination letter.


Employees who resign from University employment are expected to provide written notification to their supervisors.


Employees who retire from University employment are expected to provide appropriate written notification to their supervisors prior to separation. In order to assure timely processing of retirement paperwork and enrollment in KTRS/KERS healthcare, notice should be submitted no later than 60 days prior to your retirement effective date.

Transfers | Leaves of Absence

Transfers from one job to another within the university are not considered separation of employment. Approved leaves of absence from the university are not considered separation of employment.

Departmental Separation Procedures

The supervisor should schedule a meeting with the employee to complete out-processing activities. Completing these checklists will ensure that all business is complete prior to leaving the university. You can find the Employee Separation Checklist here.

University Assets

The employee’s department must collect and follow any university procedures related to items issued to the employee or purchased with university funds, including but not limited to:

  • Computer and computer software
  • Equipment
  • Communication devices
  • Keys
  • Tools
  • University-issued uniforms
  • All University documents and property
  • Procard

The employee’s department must collect and follow any additional university procedures related to keys for buildings, files, vehicles and other keys, parking permits, pro-cards and EKU ID’s issued to the employee. The employee will be responsible for any lost or damaged items. The value of any property issued and not returned may be deducted from the employee’s paycheck, and the employee may be required to sign a wage deduction authorization for this purpose.

Information Technology (IT) Account & Assets

When an employee leaves the university (e.g., resignation, termination, retirement), the departure is processed by HR, IT will be notified and access to EKU technology resources will be terminated. Supervisors are responsible for maintaining the currency of access rights within their units and notifying IT of changes as a result of job change or transfer. Access rights will be adjusted or terminated accordingly. All university owned computing equipment should be returned to the main IT Service Desk within 1 week of the employee’s last date of work or be charged for the system. After Human Resources gives IT notification regarding an employee’s departure, IT disables the email account. This is immediate.

University Purchasing Cards

The employee’s department must collect and follow any additional university procedures related to Procurement and other credit cards issued to the employee.


Employees separating from the university must return materials checked out through EKU Libraries and pay any pending fines/fees directly to the Library. Employees may access personal library account status and repayment information through EKU Libraries.

Financial Affairs

Any financial debts to the university must be paid prior to an employee’s last day of work. Debts may include student fees and parking fines. Employees may access their account information by visiting their myEKU accounts. Outstanding debts are paid through the Office of Student Accounting Services.

Final Payroll

Employee and supervisor must complete their final time card/leave report and forward to Payroll. Employee and supervisor must complete final travel voucher and/or reimbursement request and submit to Accounting & Financial Services.

Accrued Vacation

Employees who separate from university employment and whose employment is not contingent upon outside funds, such as grants, and are not subject to pending dues to the university will be compensated for earned but unused vacation days.

Accrued Sick Leave

Employees who separate from employment prior to retirement receive no compensation for accumulated sick days.

Consider contributing unused sick leave toward the University Sick Leave Bank.

For information about application of sick leave days toward retirement see the Employee Handbook.

HR Employee Separation Session

  • In-person separation interviews are available upon request. Contact an HR Business Partner.
  • Benefits consultation are available. Schedule by calling (859) 622-5094, option 5.
  • Staff employees who voluntarily separate from university employment may request an exit interview with their HR Business Partner.