School of Nursing Strategic Plan

EKU Goal 1: Knowledge

Knowledge is at the center of EKU’s commitment to serve as the School of Opportunity. From academic teaching and learning to experiential co- and extracurricular activities, EKU strategically advances academic and student success programs that support EKU’s diverse learners.

CHS Pillar 1: Student Success
Team CHS supports students in achieving their individual goals and provides a wide range of opportunities for engagement in academic, personal, and professional activities to enhance knowledge and community contribution. Team CHS will promote environments, opportunities, and resources designed to transform students to reach their full potential. Through engagement with the college and institution, and exposure to innovative student-centered approaches, students can thrive, complete their degree, and reach their goals.

SON will maintain program graduation rates at 80% or greater.

Assessment Method: Graduation Rate
Eighty percent of AASN student who complete NSC 114 Nursing Concepts I will complete the AASN program within 5 semesters.

Assessment Method: Retention Rate
70% of newly admitted AASN students each year will remain in the program.

As a result of participating in the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing program, students with an AASN will: demonstrate comprehension of the nursing process.

Assessment Method: NSC 114 Exam Questions tagged with “Nursing Process”
Eighty percent of students enrolled in NSC 114 will correctly answer 80% of the “Nursing Process” questions on all NSC 114 unit exams and the comprehensive final exam.

As a result of participating in the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing program, students with an AASN will: apply current evidence to support patient care.

Assessment Measure: NSC 126 Presentation
Eighty percent of students enrolled in NSC 126 will score at least 20 in the Application of Evidence section of the NSC 126 Presentation grading rubric.

As a result of participating in the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing program, students with an AASN will: apply the nursing process to support nursing judgement when providing patient care.

Assessment Measure: Exit HESI exam
Eighty percent of NSC 240 students taking the Exit HESI exam will score 900 or greater.

AASN Completion Rate

*Enrollment reinstated Fall 2020. First graduating cohort Spring 2022.

AASN NCLEX Pass Rate & Job Placement Rate

*Employed within 6-12 months after graduation. **Enrollment reinstated Fall 2020. First graduating cohort Spring 2022.

Assessment Method: Graduation Rate
Eighty percent of the prelicensure BSN students who complete the first clinical nursing course (NSC 380) and successfully complete the nursing program, within 7 semesters.

Assessment Method: Retention Rate
70% of newly admitted students each year will remain in the program.

As a result of participating in the baccalaureate nursing program, students with a BSN will: demonstrate effective communication.

Assessment Method: Pre-licensure BSN
NSC 380 Teaching Learning Transaction: Ninety percent of pre-licensure BSN students enrolled in NSC 380 Adult Health I will score 25 out of 25 points on the Communication section of the Teaching Learning Transaction grading rubric.

RN to BSN: 90% of RN to BSN students enrolled in NSC 385 Perspectives in Professional Nursing III will score 25 of 25 points on the Communication section of the Family Case Study grading rubric.

90% of pre-licensure BSN students enrolled in NSC 396 Family Health Nursing will score at least 36 out of 40 points on the psychosocial and physiological interventions section of the Client Paper grading rubric.

100% of RN to BSN students enrolled in NSC 440 Leadership and Management will score 90% or higher on the initial Discussion Board post and 90% or higher on the Discussion Board response post.

100% of pre-licensure BSN students enrolled in NSC 492 Complex Client Health Care will score a total of 65 of 69 points on the following sections of the Client Presentation grading rubric: Clinical Issue, Nursing Process, Lessons Learned, and Research Article.

100% of RN to BSN students enrolled in NSC 442C will score a minimum of 13.5 of 15 points in the clinical judgement section of the Population Assignment grading rubric.

BSN Completion Rate

*Enrollment reinstated Fall 2020. First graduating cohort Spring 2022.

BSN NCLEX Pass Rate & Job Placement Rate

*Employed within 6-12 months after graduation.

Assessment Method: Graduation Rate
Eighty percent of the RN students who complete NSC 385 will successfully complete the nursing sequence, within two years, or are making satisfactory progress in the program.

Assessment Method: Graduation Rate
Eighty percent of MSN students who have completed the first clinical (NSC 800), which is the established point of entry into the MSN program, will complete the program in three semesters or are continuing to make satisfactory progress in the program.

100% of students enrolled in NSC 876 Rural Health FNP Internship will achieve a satisfactory or exceptional level of achievement on each element of the grading rubric on the first attempt for the complex patient individual case simulation.

80% of students enrolled in NSC 876 Rural Health FNP Internship will achieve a satisfactory or exceptional level of achievement on each element of the grading rubric on the first attempt for the comprehensive SOAP note.

100% of students enrolled in NSC 800 Advanced Practice Role (NSC 800-II) will achieve a satisfactory or exceptional level of achievement on the “cultural competence” element of the grading rubric on the first attempt of the final individual case simulation.

100% of students enrolled in NSC 890 Synthesizing Evidence for Advanced Nursing Practice will achieve a minimum score of 14 out of 18 on the Synthesis of Research Findings criterion and a minimum score of 8 out of 10 on the Application to Evidence-Based Nursing Practice criterion of the Integrative Review Paper rubric.

Assessment Method: Graduation Rate
Eighty percent of MSN students who have completed the first clinical (NSC 800), which is the established point of entry into the MSN program, will complete the program in three semesters or are continuing to make satisfactory progress in the program.

Assessment Method: Graduation Rate
Eighty percent of DNP students who successfully complete the first course and the program in seven years.

90% of students enrolled in NSC 900 will score 15/15 for element II: Culture on the Executive Summary rubric for the Organization Assessment assignment.

90% of students enrolled in NSC 901 will score 35/35 on the Executive Summary Rubric Element II: Assessment and SWOT details.

60% of students completing the DNP degree will submit scholarly products (manuscripts, presentations, posters, newsletters, blogs) by graduation.

100% of students enrolled in NSC 876 Rural Health FNP Internship will achieve a satisfactory or exceptional level of achievement on each element of the grading rubric on the first attempt for the complex patient individual case simulation.

80% of students enrolled in NSC 876 Rural Health FNP Internship will achieve a satisfactory or exceptional level of achievement on each element of the grading rubric on the first attempt for the comprehensive SOAP note.

100% of students enrolled in NSC 800-II FNP Advanced Practice Role will achieve a satisfactory or exceptional level of achievement on the “cultural competence” element of the grading rubric on the first attempt of the final individual case simulation.

100% of students enrolled in NSC 886 Rural Health PMHNP Internship will achieve a satisfactory or exceptional level of achievement on each element of the grading rubric on the first attempt for the simulated client interview.

80% of students enrolled in NSC 886 Rural Health PMHNP Internship will achieve a satisfactory or exceptional level of achievement on each element of the grading rubric on the first attempt for the comprehensive note.

80% of students enrolled in NSC 880 Rural PMHNP I will achieve a satisfactory or exceptional level of achievement on the “cultural competence – history” and “cultural competence – plan of care” elements of the grading rubric.

80% of students enrolled in NSC 884 Rural PMHNP III will achieve a satisfactory or exceptional level of achievement on the application and analysis/organization and synthesis elements of the Discussion Board grading rubric.

EKU Goal 2: Innovation

Innovative thinking and bold action will elevate and differentiate EKU. Innovation will enhance organizational stewardship, intellectual and creative capacity, and economic vitality within EKU and the communities we serve.

CHS Pillar 2: Teaching and Research Excellence
Team CHS (CHS) promotes the advancement of knowledge and innovation through a culture of student-centered, transformational integrated teaching, research, and creative scholarly activities. Teaching and research are the keystones to advance knowledge, foster creativity, inspire innovation, and transform quality of life. Team CHS will invest in research programs, faculty development, and current technology that enhance the faculty as teacher-scholars and their ability to model best practices for students. As a result, faculty can improve student learning, prepare students to compete in the global marketplace, and transform student success by providing access to a complete experiential learning environment that develops students into holistic critical thinkers in the professional community.

Assessment Method:
Faculty Annual Report of Activities and Accomplishments; 100% of faculty will participate in professional development.

Assessment Method:
Faculty Annual Report of Activities and Accomplishments; Majority of tenure track faculty participate in scholarly activities.

Assessment Method:
SON faculty aggregate mean on Watermark evaluations will be 3.6 or greater on 5-point scale.

Assessment Method:
End of Program Survey mean rating for Satisfaction with Faculty will be > 3.5 on 5 point Likert scale.

Assessment Method:
End of Program Survey mean rating for Satisfaction with Program will be > 3.5 on 5 point Likert scale.

Assessment Method:
End of Program Survey mean rating for Satisfaction with Faculty Academic Advising will be > 3.5 on 5 point Likert scale.

Assessment Method:
End of Program Survey mean rating for Satisfaction with Learning Resources will be > 3.5 on 5 point Likert scale.

EKU Goal 3: Transformation

EKU is dedicated to transforming lives and communities. EKU’s learning environments support intellectual growth, creativity, empowerment, and life-changing experiences by centering access, equity, dignity, respect, and inclusivity.

CHS Pillar 3: Community Engagement
Build and nurture sustained, mutually beneficial, collaborative partnerships to transform quality of life in the community, to share knowledge and innovative resources and to foster civic and social responsibilities among students, citizens, faculty, and staff. By deepening strategic relationships, expanding opportunities, and encouraging community members to engage with CHS on multiple levels, the College will distinguish itself as a valued regional partner and critical community resource.

Assessment Method: Advisory Committee Survey; 70% of agency representatives who respond indicate satisfaction with the graduates’ level of critical thinking ability, communication, and collaboration skills, appropriate for their role.

Assessment Method: Advisory Committee Survey; 70% of Advisory Committee agency representatives who respond to the Committee Survey identify agency needs/desired competencies consistent with program objectives and curriculum design.

Assessment Method: End of Program Survey, Intent to practice in Kentucky; 70% of graduates intend to practice in Kentucky.

Assessment Method: End of Program Survey, Intent to practice in Kentucky; 70% of graduates intend to practice in Kentucky.

Assessment Method: End of Program Survey, Intent to practice in state of licensure/or in underserved areas: 70% of graduates intend to practice in their state of licensure or in an underserved area.

Assessment Method: End of Program Survey, Intent to practice in Kentucky/or in underserved areas: 70% of graduates intend to practice in state of licensure or an underserved area.

Assessment Method: Employment data– Majority of graduates who respond to Alumni Survey indicate they are employed in an advanced practice nursing role within six months of graduation.

Assessment Method: End of Program Survey, Intent to practice in Kentucky/or in underserved areas: 70% of graduates intend to practice in state of licensure or an underserved area.

Assessment Method: Employment data– Majority of graduates who respond to Alumni Survey indicate they are employed in an advanced practice nursing role within six months of graduation.

Assessment Method: End of Program Survey, Intent to practice in state of licensure/or in underserved areas: 70% of graduates intend to practice in state of licensure or an underserved area.