Students must have a Registration Access Code (RAC) to register. (This is obtained from their advisor.)
Register by hours earned based on Degree Works Report. Degree Works Reports are available online through students’ MyEKU accounts.
Registration is 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. See the registration timetable for the date you can register on EKU Colonel’s Compass.
For registration assistance call 859-622-2361.
NOTE: If you do not see the Registration Card in myEKU
Scroll to the bottom of the page of your myEKU homepage.
Click +Discover More button.
Search “Registration” in the search bar.
Click the bookmark in the top right corner of the card.
Click the EKU at the top to return to the myEKU home page
Registering for Classes myEKU with Class Search
Log into your myEKU account using your EKU Email & Password
Locate your Registration Card
Select “Register for Classes”
Complete any action items appearing on your “Action Item Processing” screen. These are required items needed to be completed before moving forward with registering for classes.
Select the appropriate term (ex. Fall 2024)
Enter your RAC# provided to you by your advisor.
Select “Continue”
Select the “Find Classes” tab
a. Subject (ex. ENG)
b. Course Number (ex.101)
c. “Advanced Search”
d. Campus (ex. Richmond)
e. Click the “Search” button.
f. You may choose to also select the option to view “Open Sections Only”
g. Search should return a list of the classes being offered that semester.
Select the “Add” button to add the course. This will move your planned courses into a “pending” status on your Summary pane.
a. You will see the course in your Registration Summary pane.
b. You will see the course by Day and Time on your Schedule pane.
To register for the class, press “Submit”
To find additional classes to add to your schedule, repeat step 8 until your schedule is complete or select the green “Search Again” button.
Once you have completed your registration select “Submit”.
Under your “Summary”, you should now see your full course list and each course should say, “Registered”. If you received any type of registration error that appears on the top right hand corner of your screen, reach out to your advisor for help/clarification.
Utilizing Class Search Prior to Registration and Registering via “Enter CRNs” option
Log into your myEKU account using your EKU Email & Password
Locate your Registration Card
Select “Register for Classes”
Complete any action items appearing on your “Action Item Processing” screen. These are required items needed to be completed before moving forward with registering for classes.
Select the term appropriate term (ex. Fall 2024)
Enter your RAC# provided to you by your advisor.
Select “Continue”
a. Select the “Find Classes” tab
b. Subject (ex. ENG)
c. Course Number (ex.101)
d. “Advanced Search”
e. Campus (ex. Richmond)
f. You may choose to also select the option to view “Open Sections Only”
Click the “Search” button.
Search should return a list of the classes being offered that semester.
Write down your selected CRNs. To search again, return to step “Find Classes” tab, repeat step 7
When it is your time to register, go to next steps below:
Log into your myEKU account
Locate your Registration Card** (Can’t find the card? Scroll to the bottom of page.)
Select “Register for Classes”
Complete any action items appearing on your “Action Item Processing” screen. These are required items needed to be completed before moving forward with registering for classes.
Select the term appropriate term (ex. Fall 2024)
Enter your RAC# provided to you by your advisor.
Select “Continue”
Select the “Enter CRNs” tab
a. Type in the 5-digit CRN in the box labeled CRN. (One 5-digit CRN per box).
b. *To add additional CRNs, click “+Add Another CRN” and enter in your next 5-digit CRN.
After you have your CRNs entered, click “Add to Summary”.
When your Summary pane appears, verify you have the correct classes entered.
When you are ready to register, click the “Submit” button.
Under your “Summary”, you should now see your full course list and each course should say, “Registered”. If you received any type of registration error that appears on the top right hand corner of your screen, reach out to your advisor for help/clarification.
Adding Courses
Courses may be added to a student’s schedule any time during the first seven days of a full semester class during the fall and spring, and the fourth day of summer school. The web will allow adding of partial semester courses only through the correct date. These dates can be found in Colonel’s Compass.
Courses may be added by through MyEKU. The process to add is just like the process followed to register initially.
If you have questions, please call the Registration Center at (859) 622-2320.
Registration Priority
First Time Freshmen New, first time freshmen register during their freshman orientation session. Freshmen orientation sessions are held throughout the summer. For information call 859-622-2285. Students unable to attend freshmen orientation will be allowed to register after the last session of the summer has finished.
Other Students
Registration is based on the undergraduate student’s earned hours.
Seniors 90+ hours
Juniors 60+ hours
Sophomores 30+ hours
Freshmen 0-29 hours
The registration timetable can be found in the current copy of the EKU Colonel’s Compass.
NOTE: You will need to have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer in order to view and print the registration schedule or any other information in the Colonel’s Compass.
NOTE: There will be a registration hold placed on students with unpaid accounts. These holds will not allow any registration activity for any semester until the account is up to date.
EKU Now! Students(Dual Credit)
For further information or questions regarding registration, you may contact Big E Central at (859) 622-2361 or by e-mailing
Common Registration Errors
What it means: Every section has a maximum capacity that defines the number of students that may register. This section has reached that limit and no further students may register.
What you need to do: Choose a different section OR request a capacity override. However, the department is not required to grant the override.
What it means: Course is restricted to specific students based on the number of earned hours as of the last semester completed at EKU. See your myEKU or your Degree Works audit for the number of hours you have earned.
What you need to do: Select a different course OR request a class restriction override. However, the department is not required to grant the override.
What it means: This section is cross-listed with another section and both sections meet in the same room. That room is now FULL.
What you need to do: Choose a different section. OR It is possible to ask the department chair for a Capacity Override. However, the chair may say “no”.
What it means: The section has been cancelled. The department is no longer offering this specific section.
What you need to do: Choose a different section.
What it means: That registration activity is no longer available at this time. It is too late to add this course to your schedule.
What you need to do: It is possible to add a course late but this requires a completed Late Add Form including instructor, department chair, and dean’s approval.
What it means: An additional course (or more) is required to be taken at the same time as the course you are attempting to register in. See course description in catalog.
What you need to do: Register for all classes by submitting the CRN’s for all sections simultaneously ORrequest corequisite override. However, the department is not required to grant the override.
What it means: The course is restricted to only permit registration for students in certain majors/programs.
What you need to do: Choose another course OR Change to an approved major/program OR request an override. Depending on major, minor, or program concentration the required override name will vary. The error message will provide the name of the override needed.
What it means: Registration exceeds the maximum number of hours permitted for that semester.
What you need to do: Permission to take more than the allotted hours must be obtained from the Dean’s Office of the student’s major.
What it means: Class requires a pre-requisite or a specific test score. See the course description in catalog for details.
What you need to do: Pre-requisite and/or a specific test must be completed before you are allowed to register OR you may request a prerequisite override.
What it means: The student has enrolled in the course twice before and is prevented for further registration without approval.
What you need to do: Students must obtain a Repeat Limit Override from the Dean’s Office of their major.
What it means: The section is conflicting with another section already on the student’s schedule.
What you need to do: Select a section that meets at a different time OR Student may request a Time Conflicts Override.
Notes About Overrides
An override for a section does NOT automatically register you into that section. An override only gives you permission to register. After you have been given an override you must go online and add the course. It is possible that you may need more than one override. You will need a specific and separate override for each registration error.
Request an override BY NAME: Read any registration error message carefully. This will tell you which specific override you require. Please note that requesting an override does not ensure it will be approved.
Permission for early registration is based on class as determined by earned hours combined with in-progress hours. New transfer students may register based on the number of completed credit hours as received by EKU on official transcripts.