Protocol for Approval of Credit-Bearing Academic Certificate Programs
Protocol Approval Date: 10-21-10
Approved By: Council on Academic Affairs
Faculty Senate (November 2010)
Long-Term Certificate Program (University)—The Council on Postsecondary Education defines a long-term certificate program as a program that requires at least one-year to complete and results in the awarding of a certificate. At EKU, we call this type of certificate a university certificate. University certificates must be approved by CPE and we must report to CPE the number of certificates we award.
University certificates are issued by the University and printed on diploma stock. University
certificates are automatically recorded on student transcripts. Students who complete a
university certificate must apply for graduation and pay applicable fees. University certificates
are not awarded at the Commencement ceremony.
Short-Term Certificate Program (Department/College)—The Council on Postsecondary Education defines a short-term certificate program as a program that requires less than one-year to complete and results in the awarding of a certificate. At EKU, we call this type of certificate a department/college certificate.
Department/college certificates are issued by the academic department or college. Department/college certificates may be noted on student transcripts at the request of the department or college. Department/college certificates are not awarded at the Commencement ceremony
Approval Process for Certificate Programs
University Certificates
Department/College Certificates