Printing Guidelines

This explains the Pharos printing available to everyone on campus.


Each student is allocated printing credits totaling $25 per semester for printing in computer labs or through cloud printing. Printing that exceeds $25 will be included on a student’s bill at the end of each semester.

Black/White Copy

$.10 each

Black/White Copy (Duplex)

$.17 each

Color Copy

$.75 each

Cloud Printing Process

Two different windows pop up on the screen when you click print.

Username and Password Screen:

  • Enter your email username and password and select “Print.”

Printing Balance Screen:

  • Select “Yes” to proceed with print
  • DO NOT send print job more than once to avoid duplicate charges
  • Once a print job is approved, it cannot be stopped
  • ​Check for correct spelling, numbers, etc. before printing (refunds are not given for user errors)
  • Exclude a final blank page to prevent charge
  • Paper is supplied in each lab
  • Students cannot provide their own paper

Printing Allocation

  • Students are allocated printing credits to be used in university labs or through cloud printing totaling $25
  • There are no refunds of unused printing credits
  • Balances do not carry forward to the next semester

Exceeding the Print Allocation:

  • Printing that exceeds $25 will be included on a student’s bill at the end of each semester
  • Students are financially obligated to EKU for payment of the charges
  • If payments are not made as agreed, collection action will be taken