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Family Medical Leave Act
In general, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that provides up to 12 weeks unpaid, job-protected leave to employees for certain family and medical reasons. Kentucky State Government also offers enhanced Family Medical Leave (FML) benefits in some areas.
To be eligible for family and medical leave, an employee must have:
Complete the Leave Request Form to begin the process.
Employee Sick Bank
The purpose of the sick bank is to provide all regular, full-time university employees with access to extended sick leave in the event they are personally subject to a qualifying medical event and face a hardship because they do not have adequate accumulated leave time or other means of income. It is not intended to encourage or reward the abuse or inappropriate use of sick leave. Requests for care of family members including spouse, parents and dependent children will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Employees will be given an opportunity to contribute a minimum of one day and a maximum of five days to the Sick Leave Bank every twelve months. Separating or retiring employees may contribute a maximum of 20 days in anticipation of separation or retirement. Contributions can be made using the link below.
Parental Leave
Fully and partially benefited employees who have been employed with the University for at least ninety (90) days shall be granted paid Parental Leave for up to six (6) weeks following the birth or adoption of a child. Paid Parental Leave is to be taken in a continuous block immediately following the birth or adoption date and is permitted once per rolling 12-month period. Parental Leave will run concurrently with FMLA leave, if eligible, and shall not extend any leave available under the FMLA policy. For more information, please review the Employee Leave Regulation 8.2.2HRR.
Complete the Parental Leave Form to begin the process.
Military Leave
An employee is entitled to time off at full pay for certain types of active or inactive duty in the National Guard or as a Reserve of the Armed Forces.
Faculty Leave
Please contact the Provost’s Office for more information about requesting faculty leave. For more information, please view policies and regulations.