Food Card Requests

Do not use the food card for grocery stores, box stores or Aramark.

Food Card Request Instructions

1. Signer Information

  • Requestor: Name & Email of person requesting to pick up the food card.
  • Department Chair/Director: Add this person’s name & email so they are aware of the
  • NOTE: If the Chair/Director is making the request, put your own name in this space.

2. Complete all information on the power form.

  • You may tip up to 20% of the food costs and pay for delivery. Those amounts should be
    calculated in the amount requested.

3. There is a space to mark if you are requesting that the Dean’s office fund the purchase or if you
will be paying from a department account. If the department is paying, you must provide the
ORG number to charge.

4. If the request is approved by the Dean.

  • Audrey Harmon (Dean’s AA) will automatically receive a copy of the approved request.
  • Contact Audrey a few days before the card is needed to schedule a pickup time.
  • Michele Hudson and Teresa New are backups if Audrey is away from the office.

Card Pick-up Process

  • May pick up no earlier than 1 business day before the event.
  • Person receiving the card signs on the form that it was received.
  • The person issuing the card will mark the date/time on the form and keep it on file in the
    Dean’s office.

Card Return Process

  • The card must be returned (within 1 business day after the event).
  • Person receiving the card will mark the date/time on the form, check off that no taxes
    were charged, and that the required items (detailed receipt and Expense Substantiation
    Form) are submitted.
  • Food Card Request Form and documentation are kept on file in the Dean’s office.
  • The Dean’s office submits copies of all items to procard office with end of month


  • DO NOT use the food card for grocery store or box store purchases (i.e. Walmart, Kroger Aldi,
    Costco etc.)
  • The card must be used by the person it is issued to on the request form.
  • To provide food for staff at meetings/events requires the student vs. staff ratio to be at least
    2:1. You will need a list of names of all attendees for groups with 25 or fewer people.
  • Make sure all purchases are tax exempt. Some vendors will require a Tax Exempt Form.
    It is the responsibility of the person placing the order to complete and submit this form.
  • Submit an Expense Substantiation Form with your receipt.
  • Catering from Aramark does not require the use of a Food Card. They will direct bill the ORG provided when order is placed. Just an email pre-approval from the Dean and a Food Substantiation form is required. Keep those on file in your office with the Aramark invoice.

Revised: 10/10/24 TN