Requestor: Name & Email of person requesting to pick up the food card.
Department Chair/Director: Add this person’s name & email so they are aware of the request.
NOTE: If the Chair/Director is making the request, put your own name in this space.
2. Complete all information on the power form.
You may tip up to 20% of the food costs and pay for delivery. Those amounts should be calculated in the amount requested.
3. There is a space to mark if you are requesting that the Dean’s office fund the purchase or if you will be paying from a department account. If the department is paying, you must provide the ORG number to charge.
4. If the request is approved by the Dean.
Audrey Harmon (Dean’s AA) will automatically receive a copy of the approved request.
Contact Audrey a few days before the card is needed to schedule a pickup time.
Michele Hudson and Teresa New are backups if Audrey is away from the office.
Card Pick-up Process
May pick up no earlier than 1 business day before the event.
Person receiving the card signs on the form that it was received.
The person issuing the card will mark the date/time on the form and keep it on file in the Dean’s office.
Card Return Process
The card must be returned (within 1 business day after the event).
Person receiving the card will mark the date/time on the form, check off that no taxes were charged, and that the required items (detailed receipt and Expense Substantiation Form) are submitted.
Food Card Request Form and documentation are kept on file in the Dean’s office.
The Dean’s office submits copies of all items to procard office with end of month statements
DO NOT use the food card for grocery store or box store purchases (i.e. Walmart, Kroger Aldi, Costco etc.)
The card must be used by the person it is issued to on the request form.
To provide food for staff at meetings/events requires the student vs. staff ratio to be at least 2:1. You will need a list of names of all attendees for groups with 25 or fewer people.
Make sure all purchases are tax exempt. Some vendors will require a Tax Exempt Form. It is the responsibility of the person placing the order to complete and submit this form.
Submit an Expense Substantiation Form with your receipt.
Catering from Aramark does not require the use of a Food Card. They will direct bill the ORG provided when order is placed. Just an email pre-approval from the Dean and a Food Substantiation form is required. Keep those on file in your office with the Aramark invoice.