Visitation is a time when a guest is permitted to visit with you in your room. Guests are permitted to visit at any time in all halls. Guests are not required to be checked in but should remain with the host at all times. You may only host a guest in the hall in which you live. Residents who fail to escort guests while in the building will be subject to judicial action. Residents who host guests are responsible for the actions of their guests.
Guests must be 18 or older to be in the building. People under the age of 18 may be permitted in the building if they are with a parent or guardian between 10:00am and 8:00pm. Guests under 18 are not permitted to stay in any hall overnight.
All other university code of conduct and Housing and Residence Life Community Standards policies remain in effect.
Guest(s) in Room Occupancy
The number of guests at one time is limited to two people and residence life staff reserve the right to limit guest hour privileges. Double occupancy and simple suite-style rooms have an occupancy limit of 4 persons per room at any given point in time. Super-suite or apartment-style rooms are limited to 2 guests per resident or no more than 12 guests per suite or apartment at one time.
Cohabitation in the residence halls is prohibited. Cohabitation exists when a person who is not assigned to a particular residence hall room uses that room as if they were living there. The resident’s roommate’s comfort level supersedes all guest privileges. When a guest’s continual presence hinders a roommate’s ability to study, sleep, and/or occupy their room, this will be considered a violation of the cohabitation policy. Examples include, but are not limited to: