Hiring Guide: Staff & Student Positions

Online Employment System (OES) is the comprehensive suite of online employment modules utilized by the EKU Human Resources department to assist hiring officials with posting positions, hiring, performance management, and onboarding.

PageUp Resources

PENGUIN Resources – Student Employment System

The Pogatshnik EmploymeNt for Graduate and Undergraduate Information Network (PENGUIN) is EKU’s digital student employment system.

When to Contact Your HR Representative

  • To schedule training on the hiring process and PageUp system
  • To request a new position for your department
  • To reclassify an existing position in your department
  • To discuss options for advertising a position

Hiring Official FAQs

Visit https://eku.dc4.pageuppeople.com/ and enter your single sign-on information. If you cannot remember this information or need a reset, please contact the IT Department at 622-3000.

All staff, faculty, student, graduate assistant (GA), and temporary positions must go through the system.

To identify your HR representative, please view our HR Rep listing on the HR inEKU page.

An internal candidate is defined as a current EKU employee (full-time and part-time regular employees, and faculty). Temporary employees, graduate assistants and student workers are not considered internal candidates.