Tenure & Promotion-Related Resources
Full-Time Faculty Evaluation Resources
Promotion & Tenure Application Forms (4.6.4P)
Forms for Evaluation of Non-Tenured, Tenure-Track Faculty (4.6.5ACR)
- Self-Evaluation of Annual Performance for Non-Tenured Tenure-Track Faculty (4.6.5ACR)
- Department-Level Evaluator Form (4.6.5ACR)
- Evaluator Form for Reconsideration of Non-Reappointment by Department Committee (4.6.5ACR)
- College-Level Evaluator Form (4.6.5ACR)
- Provost-Level Evaluator Form (4.6.6ACR)
- Annual Evaluation Process Flowchart
Forms for Evaluation of Faculty Not on Tenure-Track (4.6.6ACR)
Approved by the Council of Deans, April 12, 2022
Academic Affairs recognizes the importance of an environment that supports faculty mentorship and clearly articulated guidance related to expectations for promotion and tenure. Academic Affairs also recognizes the responsibility of the department in developing and updating evaluation criteria in a manner that appropriately reflects the expectations of the discipline as well as the role of the college and the University in establishing evaluation criteria that ensure the quality of academic programs. EKU is committed to balancing these considerations in the evaluation process.
Revisions to Evaluation Criteria
For faculty in the probationary period (including faculty who have achieved promotion prior to tenure and faculty hired at an Associate or Full rank without tenure), when changes are made to evaluation criteria at the department, college, or University-level, faculty shall have the opportunity to be evaluated for tenure and/or promotion to Associate Professor or Full Professor under current criteria or new criteria. Current criteria are those which were in effect on the employment start date as indicated in the formal appointment terms, for up to six years.
For tenured faculty, when changes are made to evaluation criteria at the department, college, or University-level, faculty shall have the opportunity to elect to be evaluated for promotion to Associate Professor or Full Professor under current criteria (in effect on the employment start date as indicated in the formal appointment terms, for up to six years) or under new criteria.
Reassignment of Home Department
Faculty who are reassigned to a new home department or college by the University through department mergers, reorganizations, or other means shall have the opportunity to retain conditions of appointment and/or any other pre-existing agreements that relate to eligibility for promotion and/or tenure. Further, faculty in the probationary period that have been reassigned to a new home department and/or college shall have the opportunity to be evaluated for tenure and/or promotion to Associate Professor or Full Professor under the criteria in their unit of origin or the criteria in the new home department.
Tenured faculty who are reassigned in this manner and who apply for promotion within three years of reassignment may also elect to be evaluated for promotion under the criteria in the unit of origin.
Candidates must indicate the selected criteria on the Self-Evaluation of Annual Performance for Non-Tenured Tenure-Track Faculty (4.6.5), the letter of intent for promotion and/or tenure, and the Application for Tenure and/or Promotion cover page (4.6.4).
Questions about this guidance should be directed to the Office of the Provost.
- Tenure and Promotion Application
- Department-Level Evaluator Form (4.6.4P)
- Evaluator Form for Reconsideration of Tenure and/or Promotion Recommendations by the Department (4.6.4P)
- College-Level Evaluator Form (4.6.4P)
- Provost-Level Evaluator Form (4.6.4P)
Summary of EKU Policy 4.6.17
Focus on faculty goals and professional development plan in three areas:
- teaching
- scholarship
- service
Three-year recurring cycle
Years One and Two are brief and formative in nature.
1. Faculty member conferences with Chair (no later than April 1) should address:
- faculty member’s achievements with specific reference to previous year’s goals
- any areas of concern
- PD goals for next year
2. Chair sends brief written statement or Department form to Dean with copy to faculty
Year Three is more in-depth.
1. Faculty member prepares written reflection (1-3 pages) of their work since last Year Three
2. Faculty member conferences with Chair (no later than March 1). Consider Department
performance standards and faculty member’s workload to:
- evaluate work over past 3 years
- establish PD goals for the next year (Year One in the new cycle)
3. Within 10 calendar days of conference, Chair provides faculty member with written evaluation including one of the following ratings in each area (teaching, scholarly/creative, and service) plus an overall rating.
- “exceeds standards” – must be explained in writing
- “meets standards”
- “below standards” – must be explained in writing
4. Faculty member may respond in writing within 10 days of receiving evaluation.
5. “Below standards” ratings are reviewed by Third Year Review (TYR) Committee.
6. Chair sends Year Three Review, faculty member response (if any), and TYR Committee response (if any) to Dean (no later than April 1).
7. Dean evaluates and notifies Chair and faculty member by May 1.
- “exceeds standards” – eligible for University recognition
- “below standards” – Faculty member must set goals in consultation with Chair and then revisit during Year One of next cycle. If significant progress is not made, TYR Committee will evaluate. If they concur, then Chair may initiate Post-Tenure Review Process.
Each Department shall establish a TYR Committee for Tenured Faculty within the following guidelines:
- a. The Department shall elect no fewer than three members and one alternate, which shall be elected from the full-time tenured faculty of the college, excluding Department Chairs/Unit Heads.
- b. All members of the TYR are eligible to vote.
- c. No member of the TYR can also serve on the University Post Tenure Review Committee.
- d. If a Department is too small to provide such a committee, the Department may select a full-time tenured faculty outside the Department with the advice of the College Dean.
- e. A member of the TYR shall not participate in the review of a case where there is a conflict of interest.
- f. The members of the TYR serve two-year staggered terms. A member cannot serve more than two consecutive terms.
- g. The TYR shall be elected no later than May 1 of the year prior to the year in which it is to function.