General Education at EKU

GENERAL EDUCATION is the part of a liberal education curriculum that is shared by all students. It provides broad learning in liberal arts and science disciplines and forms the basis for developing important intellectual, civic, and practical capacities.

76% of employers would recommend this kind of education to college-bound students.
Source: Associate of American Colleges & Universities

The mission of EKU’s General Education Program is to promote learning that is central to the intellectual pursuits associated with our educational programs and to enable students to make informed choices about matters of public and personal significance in a diverse, democratic society and global community. Our program helps students to become informed, independent thinkers by developing competencies in communication, quantitative analysis, and critical thinking and by helping them understand and appreciate the diversity of culture, individuals, the natural environment, and the global society.

University General Education Committee (UGEC) meetings: UGEC meetings take place on the first Thursday of each month of the fall and spring semesters. These meetings are open to the campus community for informational purposes; only members are allowed to speak during meetings. If you would like to observe an upcoming meeting, please email one of the committee co-chairs (Erin Presley or J.P. Stearns) to obtain the Zoom link.

CRITERIA for COURSES by Element. In which element does my course fit? 


  • The General Education course assessment process will continue to have a two-year cycle.
  • 2024-2025 is the Data Collection Year. All General Education courses are required to administer an integrated GE/QEP assessment activity during either Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 for data analysis and interpretation.
  • 2025-2026 is the Implementation Year. All General Education courses are required to implement a student learning improvement based on the analysis of results for each competency.
  • Submit by February 1, 2026: A completed STAR for GE Courses (all sections).
  • Submit completed STAR reports here

General Education Assessment Resources:

Related Resources