Financial Aid: Overaward Policy

An overaward is financial aid that exceeds a student’s financial need and/or cost of attendance. When a student receives aid, EKU is required to adhere to all associated regulations. All aid, including scholarships, grants, loans, tuition remission, awards and prizes must be counted as estimated financial assistance in a student’s total aid package.

It is the student’s responsibility to report all sources of estimated financial assistance including departmental scholarships, employee tuition remission, outside scholarships and third party assistance to Big E Central. To report estimated financial assistance not already included in your aid package, complete the Scholarship/Other Aid Resources Form or contact Big E Central. Reporting this information early will help prevent changes in eligibility that can result in reductions to financial aid.

When Big E Central identifies an overaward, adjustments must be made to the student’s financial aid package to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations. When allowable, self-help aid, such as loans and work-study awards, are adjusted before grant or scholarship aid is affected. If an overaward occurs after aid has been disbursed, the student may be required to repay all or a portion of their financial aid to the university. You may check with Big E Central before applying for additional aid to see if the maximum financial aid has already been awarded.