Facilitation Services Details, Fees & Policies

A recent LinkedIn blog post asked, “On average, how many meetings do you attend per week? What is the typical duration of [your] meetings?” The colorful responses highlighted how many people feel about meetings, but the average was about ten meetings per week. For meeting duration, our favorite response was “too long.”

Most top managers spend half their time in meetings, according to the Clynes Group in Meetings that Work. And many surveys point to the common belief that most of these meetings are unproductive and unnecessary.

However, as facilitation professionals, we know meetings CAN BE productive, efficient, valuable, and ENJOYABLE. That’s right – enjoyable. Our professional staff thrive on collaborating with clients to facilitate meetings in safe, enjoyable environments that produce clear outcomes and get things done in an agreed-upon timeframe.

What is Facilitation?

The definition of ‘facilitation’ the International Association of Facilitators uses comes from The Skilled Facilitator by Roger Schwarz:

“Group facilitation is a process in which a person whose selection is acceptable to all the members of the group, who is substantively neutral, and who has no substantive decision–making authority diagnoses and intervenes to help a group improve how it identifies and solves problems and makes decisions, to increase the group’s effectiveness.”

Why Do Groups Need Facilitators?

All types of groups use facilitators for all kinds of meetings and needs. In some cases, an internal facilitator can effectively lead a group discussion to fruitful outcomes. It usually just takes a few facilitation techniques, a well-thought-out agenda inclusive of a clear plan, purpose and outcomes, and having the right people at the meeting. In other cases, an outside facilitator may be needed.

Ten Popular Examples of Facilitated Meetings

  • Action Planning
  • Business Planning
  • Corporate/Staff Retreats
  • Focus Groups/Stakeholder Feedback
  • Needs Assessment
  • Occupational Analysis
  • Organizational/Process Improvements
  • Problem Solving
  • Strategic Planning
  • Team Building

Ways We Bring Value to Your Group

  • Building relationships so teams work together more effectively
  • Defining action and responsibilities
  • Facilitating a meeting so the organizer can be involved as a participant
  • Facilitating constructive discussion
  • Generating creative new ideas and solutions
  • Making forward progress on subjects that have been historically stalled
  • Providing a neutral person to guide the process
  • Producing group recommendations for problems or challenges that seem insurmountable
  • Reaching consensus on controversial issues or “HOT” topics

What to Expect From the Facilitation Center

  • Professional consultation to clearly define the meeting’s purpose and outcomes
  • Well-designed, effective, and efficient meeting plan and agenda
  • Lead the facilitated process
  • Respect for all ideas
  • Keep participants on task and meetings on time
  • Create a safe, enjoyable atmosphere that encourages creativity and participation
  • Respectfully ask pertinent questions, including the uncomfortable ones
  • Control diversions
  • Accurately report ideas and decisions generated by the group

Group Size

The Center has facilitated meetings for small groups (less than 10) and very large groups (100+). Depending on the client’s needs and the type of meeting, we may have recommendations regarding group size and what we have found to work best. For example, a DACUM Occupational Analysis works best with a panel of six to eight participants.

Where We Facilitate

The Center can facilitate meetings in various settings, and through the years, we have facilitated meetings almost everywhere imaginable! We have facilitated meetings on campus and within the local community, as well as across the country including Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New York, Oregon, Virginia, and Washington, to name a few.

While we can facilitate in just about any space, some spaces are more ideal than others. We also have guidelines we follow regarding small group work, display thinking, and other factors to consider; therefore, we prefer to consult with a client on location before it is determined.

Fees for Service

Because of our connection with the University, the Facilitation Center is ideally positioned to provide professional, expert facilitation staff at competitive rates. Our rates remain reasonable based on two factors: 1) The University is a non-profit organization, and 2) Due to streamlining and leveraging resources, the Center’s overhead expenses are reduced, and these savings are passed along to our clients.

The Center works with each client to outline a scope of work to meet their specific needs. Once this is determined, staff proposes a firm-fixed-price that includes meeting design, preparation, onsite facilitation, supplies, travel costs (if applicable), and report writing. Once the firm-fixed-price is agreed upon, a service contract is generated. Invoices are submitted after the final report for the project has been generated and delivered to the client.
Other associated costs, such as meeting room rental, food and beverage, and participant travel reimbursements, may need to be factored into your planning.

If you would like to receive a quote for service, we would be happy to discuss your project and develop a quote for your consideration. Please contact us to arrange a preliminary discussion and quote.